Lost my pip appeal I’m at a loss what to do. I need help and support does anyone know who could help me with my next move I really appreciate it thank you all so much
Upset and angry : Lost my pip appeal I... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Upset and angry

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I am sure you'll find this community a helpful and supportive place to be ! There's lots of posts to read and many lovely members to talk to as you learn to live with Fibro 24/7. Sorry to hear your having trouble claiming benefits, so many members are reporting the same with assessors no understanding invisible chronic illness. You may want to contact the FMAUK Benefits Advisor, all contact information below;
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No I have no family just my son who is also disabled, I feel like I’m losing my mind with worry, I have to write a letter to the tribunal and ask them to reconsider can I ask for a home visit as I’m in terrible pain and the anxiety and attacks are getting worse I don’t go out anymore amongst all my other ailments I got diagnosed with Fibromalgia last year and was diagnosed with psychosis that’s why I’m shocked I am more ill now than I’ve ever been and all I get now is standard care I hope they realise the stress I’ve been through and my assessment girl was about 17 and I was crying and coz I wiped my eyes that’s why I was struck off she also lied as the only questions she asked me was did I use aids! I was in there ten minutes at the most then I waited 5 months to be told I was put on standard care thankyou all so much for your help and support it means such a lot I’ve felt so alone my Gp refuses to let me talk about it and I’ve had no treatment etc... I walk round house bent over as I can’t walk coz of pain I’m so stressed out and depressed I can’t believe I’ve been left to rot my Gp is so bad he scares me yet I’m so tired the thoughts of changing docs fills me with fear
I know the thought of changing GP doctor scares you but you getting substandard care scares me. Obviously you GP doc doesn’t care. Here in the US the fibromyalgia network has a listing of fibro friendly doctor. I don’t know if the UK fibromyalgia network is there or something similar to it. Also local fibromyalgia support groups could tell you of doctors that the members see and recommend. You are not alone. Hugs 🤗
Thank you so much for your time I will get there in the end I’m just feeling so I’ll and the pain is unreal I’m tired and can’t concentrate or anything thank you for your concern it means a lot take care hun .
I would get advice from CAB but also definitely change drs I had drs at my surgery who were just awful I would sit there crying and they would just sit and watch until I saw a lady dr who was so nice and very supportive I then had to go one time and she wasn’t there so saw another go and he was really nice as well so I now have a choice if one isn’t at the surgery. You need a dr who will listen and when they stop listening you have to change. Years ago I had a go who sat there fiddling on a pad whilst I was speaking I realised he had stopped listening altogether so left that practice.
Good luck and just fight the DWP as much as you can I read last week they are having to reassess 100’s of people with mental health issues as something has been found lacking in the system and a high court has overruled it so many claimants will be reassessed and back paid to when claimed .
They are counting on people not fighting back on the news this week someone was saying the assessor completely lies on the form even said the person took her dog out for a walk when in fact they didn’t even have a dog!!!
Thank you for your help
Mandy, sorry for your news. Have you tried the website benefitsandwork.co.uk/
I have found them so useful.
Check if your council has a WELFARE RIGHTS team. They’d be a big help. If not try C.A.B.
Please don't ever give up. Keep trying and you will get it.
Fightback..are experts in exactly what you are asking for
The Welfare Rights lady at the Town Hall is good and can represent you. She would have helped you fill in any forms. You can also get a copy of the original Medical, that's how I found there were about 10 errors on that! I pointed this out but was rejected twice when I wrote letters. I did win at Court. You also need letters from all the Medical people you have been to plus your Doctor listing your medical problems. Your Doctor should be helping you. Keep going I know it's very stressful! Xx
Have you gone through a lawyer who specializes in disability cases? That is what I had to do. I’m assuming that pip is the equivalent to SSDI for the UK. Social security disability insurance here in the US. I was turned down the first time but the second time I went through a lawyer and she won the case for me. Here the lawyer gets paid only if you win. They take a percentage of the back payments.
No I just used the Welfare Rights lady at our Town Hall, we don't use lawyers. She advised me that I could get the original Medical Report to see what was written. I then found many errors and listed them to Appeal twice. They were both refused. I received no points for flexibility though most of my fingers are broken (Osteoporosis Arthitus) and don't bend at the joints! Nothing for Fibromyalgia! I was too ill to attend the Court but sent my Appeal letters, photographs of my hands and letters from professionals plus every bit of info I could think of! I won the Case. You really need an expert behind you here e.g. Welfare Rights person or a Social worker to give advice and they will even come to Court with you.
Sounds like the welfare rights lady does the equivalent to what the disability lawyer did here for my case. I’m glad to hear you won your case. 😊