SOOOO ANGRY..............: Some of you... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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SOOOO ANGRY..............

bumblebee57 profile image
13 Replies

Some of you might know that i went through 7 weeks of hell during the summer, trying to get my ESA paid. They messed me around something awful. I was at my wits end and close to suicide. I was getting help from my family, but they arent responsible for me...I AM. And thats not the point. My family work and pay taxes, along with millions of others so we can get the benefits we're entitled to, so they shouldnt have to contribute twice !! Anyway, I got it sorted and got paid all the arrears and I set about paying people back and paying the mounting up bills, including my contract phone bill which should be £10.50 a month, but was £28 because i had to phone ESA so many times to find out what the hell was going on. So... everything went ok for the next 2 payments, then, no ESA paid on 6th November. I phoned to ask why. It was that payment had been suspended because of me finishing my "permitted work" which was 5 hours a week as a lollipop lady. I was told to finish by 24th Oct or i'd lose my benefit coz Ive worked for 52 weeks. Id actually worked for 22 months because i was given the wrong advise (apparently) at the start, and carried on working. Dont know where they got 24th Oct from anyway coz i started my job on 8th Dec (2010) and my calculation is that 52 wks from 8th Dec is 8th Dec. correct?? So they told me i had to fill in some forms he'd send and hed taken all details needed and I'd get paid on Fri (9th Nov). I wasnt. phoned again. "Payment suspension had been lifted". But still no payment or forms. Weds 14th Nov, phone again. "I'll put through a fast track payment, youll get it by Friday". And apparently I never needed to fill in the forms that never arrived anyway. STILL NO BLOODY PAYMENT. I am SOOOOO angry now. Phoned YET again. "Its all sorted, it should be cleared hopefully by tomorrow". Hopefully, Im still alive by then. Im due to be paid again on Tuesday. WHY cant they do their job and do what they say they will and WHY cant they all work "from the same page" coz if THEY dont know whats what, how the hell are WE supposed to????????? I wonder if they'll pay me back for the phone calls?? HAHA!! What do they think I live on? Oh yeh, fresh air is very nutritious!!. I am SICK of DWP/ESA. They dont give a toss and there's nothing we can do but waste our phone bill, or write (and they say they "never got your letter"). How long would they take if you didnt phone? We are totally at their mercy, because we cant do a thing to hurry them up. And they know that...... thanks for reading and sorry its so long. xx

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bumblebee57 profile image
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13 Replies
darcysam profile image

Im so sorry you are going through this. The frustration must be unbearable :o( x

Hi BumbleBee, I can understand your frustration. I'm sure I would feel just the same if I were to be in your shoes. Have you tried getting some support from the CAB? If your money is still not forthcoming they might be able to help. I really hope that it has been sorted out for your sake. All best wishes. Jane x

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to

Hi. thanks for reply. I dont really find CAB very helpful. Ive usually done everything they suggest already. I think my next step is to get arrested for chaining myself to something at the job centre and making myself a bloody nuisance, coz thats what they are to me,lol. That is if I havent already exploded tomoro if theres no money in my bank!! xx

bumblebee57 profile image

Just a bit,lol. I was ranting down the phone about it to my daughter today, then when i finally stopped, she said "Youre a bit miffed then?" She was being funny of course. I am LIVID. It just amazes me how so many people at DWP/ESA/JSA/DLA etc, get so much wrong, so often. Im convinced its deliberate. Thanks for reply.xx

Ginsing profile image

Wow you were certainly buzzing yesterday do hope you have it undercontrol now! The major problem is that these people who control our lives haven't a clue what happens from their actions, they have never been in the same position and they seem generally to lack compasion and how to care for other people.

I hope you have a better day xgins

bumblebee57 profile image

Thanks gins. i have calmed down a bit now, but they make me so mad and youre right, they have no idea what the ripple effect has on us. If I dont have enough in the bank, because of their cockup, the bills dont get paid ie car insurance, house insurance, phone contract, etc. All the things I could lose out on, and that I need, because of them not doing their job. She very patronisingly said to me, "You could apply for a crisis loan". But by the time ive got that, they'll have sorted the problem and paid me, hopefully, and i go into debt paying them back the crisis loan. I told her "Im not going into debt for your mistakes and incompitance". She said "we're all struggling". Yeh maybe, but we're not all on a pittance and coping with an illness". I think she got fed up with me cos she knew i was right, coz she said "I have another call to make now" quickly said her goodbyes and hung up. I still havent been paid tho. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR......... xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image

I am glad you have managedc to calm down a bit hun. I would have been livid myself, but I managed to get things sorted pretty quick by changing benefits. We are all here for you, NEVER forget that xxxxx

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to Ozzygirl64

Thanks mate, i appreciate that. Thank goodness for the Internet eh??!!! My neighbour invited me for krismus dinner if im not going anywhere else. that was nice. Its just another day to me tho coz i dont do krismus. (Pagan). btw, I still havent been paid. DUHH, silly me, i shuda realised on friday, when she said it would clear on saturday. Weekend...DUHHH... If its not in my bank by mon pm, Im going to chain myself to the jobcentre till they send someone with a giro or good hard cash, and taxi fare home. and a chinese takeaway... no no thats going too far,lol. nite mate.xx

Ozzygirl64 profile image
Ozzygirl64 in reply to bumblebee57

I would hold out for the CHinese takeaway too hun. But they told me Saturday as it depends on which bank you have. But it was there by the Monday xxxxx

Bumblebee if you email us on we will gladly send you the info sheets from Benefits and Work for free on ESA and DLA.

Hopefully you will find these helpful, wishing you all the best. (((hug))) xxx

bumblebee57 profile image

Thanks LibertyZ, but been there, done that, drove myself mad with it, coz u speak to DWP/ESA/JSA and they tell u something different. I dont know who or what to trust anymore. I just wish theyd get their act together so we can have at least a bit of a clue. I really believe they do their best to confuse us so much, that we wont bother claiming benefits. Hopefully I'll be back on track during next week. Just checked my electric meter...99p till mon/tues/weds. guna have to go into my bills money again. GRRRRRRR. xx

migrembe profile image

CAB told me to go away because they were too busy. My money got held up because person A had not passed the papers to person B and then again because DLA had been looking at the screen - did you know they can both access your information and by looking at what ESA group DLA can make their decision and visa versa.

bumblebee57 profile image
bumblebee57 in reply to migrembe

Thanks for reply. You got it in one, I said the very same to the woman at ESA on the phone, all the different people your claim gets passed around to, just complicates things. Why cant we get allocated a claim advisor who deals with it from start to finish? then they know what they have/havent done, what needs to be done etc. I always get the name of the (random) person on the other end of the phone and also make a note of what day/time and any key notes i need in case i have to refer back. at least then you know who gave you wrong info or who "forgot" to tell you something or send you something that could be vital to your well being. the bottom line is, they dont give a monkeys. But the good news is, i got paid today for the last 2 weeks and im due normal payment again tomoro, YEHHHHHH!!!!!!!! xx

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