OMG for the second time I have been writing on here to reach out for help. It takes me ages to write & for the 2nd time, after its taking me about an hour to try and compose for some reason it goes off page & when I reload my composition has gone. Please excuse my frustration & hope you can understand what I'm trying to explain as I try to write it in a far simpier way.
I have managed my Fibro & CFS using medication my last doctor & I worked closely together on, mastering what was right for me along with lifestyle, dietary & meditation/mindset. For a best part having it under control well enough to return to my well loved job full-time.
I get mild flares every few months. But up my medication, rest etc as needed & often get myself back on track within my 2 days off work. However I tend to get very severe flares about ever 3-4 yrs. Most recent was Sept last yr. This lead to a hospital stay & approx 7-10 days on Oralmorph at home.
Once able to, I visited my new doctors & was signed off work. I'm new to this surgery & because I had been able to manage my condition had not had dealings with my new doctor.
OK, cutting story short. 4 months on & I'm worse than I was 3 months ago. My new doctor didn't agree with the medication my last doctor put me on. He has taken my rescue medication (Tramadol) away completely. My pain relief meds (Dihydrocodeine 30mg & Paracetamol 2x 500 mg) have been cut by half. So I can only take twice a day. He has left my Sertraline as it is as he said I can take that forever with no adverse effects.
I'm am open to listening to my doctor & believe its good to learn about the medication I take & if there are alternatives but now he's just left me. No rescue meds, 1\2 the pain relief I had before. He said you should not take Tramadol & Dihydrocodeine together but for me personally they effected my symptoms in very different ways, so it wasn't a case of taking them together, it was a case of what sort of plain do I have & which one will work best & take that medication but not the other.
Good day meds would of been:
200mg Sertraline
30mg Dihydrocodeine 1-2x
100mg Paracetamol 1-2x
A few times a WK I would of had to take my Tramadol (100mg) normally to help what I call the electric pain, especially when I'm in bed at night.
During flares my intake of my good day meds may increase to 3x a day (Rarely 4x) & Tramadol 2x but again listening to my body & working on the form of pain in combination with which meds I would take.
I would be so grateful to hear anyone's opinion on my meds or any advice.
Like I said I'm currently all I take is my Sertraline can only take a max of 30mg Dihydrocodeine with paracetamol 2x a day as my doc has cut my script.
Thank you in advance xx