Does anyone else have this and have found a remedy? I've had all the eye and brain tests done. Physically I'm ok just can't see. It's driving me insane!
Constant blurred/double vision - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Constant blurred/double vision
Really sorry I don't actually have this, but I really hope that someone else can help!
You will get more responses if you lock your post though hun (this is completely up to you) but it stops the post from going on the www and more people should comment. If you click on the arrow to end your post and then select the option for just on this forum. Any issues please let me know xxx
I get blurry and slightly double vision, not constantly, I've found its worse the more tired I am. I wouldn't mind knowing if anyones found a solution too!
Good afternoon I see you have had tests done with eyes and brain , how recent were these?? I think for a piece of mind and the fact you can't see properly a trip back to the doc this week , be persistent and say you want some help, if your sight is not good you could end up falling over, with the slippery paths outside frost /snow arriving coming our way in the winter months you wouldn't want to hurt yourself further. Have you got someone to drive you to surgery give you some support and be a listening ear . Let us know how you get on it can't be very nice for you at the moment , let us know how you get on xxxx
Hi Hun, I have this too. My gp said it’s to do with the medication that that I’m on, so unfortunately there’s nothing else that can be done for it. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful Hun x
Hi hun
I have the same problem and mine started 12 months ago with bad headaches had to be signed off work. I've had all the tests done and same response as you. In the mean time work as has had to let me go and I was getting more symptoms pip awarded me with no points doctor has just diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and am due to go sea. I haven't found anything that helps but it does get worse if I'm tired which is very often. Sorry can't be more of a help xxx
Thanks guys. God I hate this.
I know how you feel I'm lucky really to be diagnosed so quickly but that still I kick in the teeth not been able to work I've always worked as well as been a mum of 2 and I feel like I'm losing my mind. Lucky the kids dad has been great with it all but at the moment they spending more time at his which isn't helping my mood. My partner is been supportive but he works full time and has his own older children to care for. It is hard but I find this forum really helps me to realize that I'm not on my own. Take care xxx
Hi I too struggle with my eyes getting continually worse and also very dry. I have been spending a lot of time at the Optician as the doctor didn't have an answer for me. I have been wondering whether it's worth asking to be referred to an Optometrist but I know they have a long waiting list. If I manage to get an appointment I'll let everyone with eye problems know what he/she could come up with. I do also have problems with my ears and sinuses so am beginning to wonder if Fibromyalgia affects our ears, nose and throat oh and eyes. x
Hi there, I also have suffered for years with my eyes not so much with double vision more like muscle pain. I can not see in the dark or any dark /black colours I have to have all the lights on in the house now the dark nights are here because the lamp light is not enough for me to see with properly.
Our eyes are very precious as we all know so I can empathise with you not having found any answers to why this happens. I keep getting told it is fibro ! But then again what isn't fibro blamed for. xx
I occasionally get blurry/double vision, but what I get a lot throughout the day are ‘lights’ sliding down the side of my eye, which can get quite intrusive. I have had my eyes checked and the only answer is ‘it’s an optical migraine’. A migraine every day for four years?? Yet another fibro mystery I guess.
When I read this I first thought you were talking about Parkinson's because my hubby has it and has what you've described. I have Fibro and my eyes will blur but no double vision. Eye Dr. says nothing can be done about his double vision and ir might just go away, but a neighbor is getting special prism glasses for it. We're all old so maybe that's a factor. Like with you, it's driving hubby nuts. I hope you find a solution to yours.
Hi all. Havent been on here for ages as busy with family duties whilst dealing with new diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome. Also fell out of habit because screens were giving me migraines. Anyway, one day was googling fibro and migraines, to discover internet sight with pink background. It was so much easier to read it. Had realised previously that had blurred eyesight but new presc.for glasses didnt help: it was like a shadow round all letters. Anyway on further reading i learned it was visual stress where the two eyes cant coordinate their vision, causing sl
Sorry hit wrong button and posted too early. Anyway: causes slight double vision. I have since discovered the twilight app.for screens that creates a pink tint instead of white glare: reduced migraines by 80%! But also now use pink dyslexic reading sheets (transparent plastic that you lay on top the book you read). Most recent experiment is a pair of pink tinted sunglasses for driving, multi focusing when tired etc( a church service when changing from looking up to looking at a book). It really helps me. It seems to bring the vision right back into focus. You can buy a very cheap pair of pink tinted sunglasses off ebay: rubbish quality but fits over own glasses so can experiment to see if want to spend more and get a proper pair. Can also buy the dyslexic reading sheets on ebay. I am now considering paying to go to an opthalmist trained in testing visual stress/dyslexia and a colour/shade that helps by using a colorometer (or something spelt like that!).Explore google for visual stress, which can happen for various medical conditions as well as dyslexia. I cant believe how it changes my focus. The darker the pink for me, the easier it is to read despite there being less contrast between black type and background! Hope that helps.
I get double vision all the time...worce in the morning's. Dr says its the diabetes. But now i have a smuge or thats what i call it. When im reading its like a finger smude on the page...the right eye only, so . X
How odd I was looking at pink sunglasses on Amazon today to see if they would help me. Thank you very much for these great tips. Much appreciated!