Does anyone else get pain in bone as mainly pain in my legs but in back and every where it’s starting to get me down meds’ not working much on morphine to help but still get pain
Pain in bones: Does anyone else get... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain in bones

Hi Dotpot, I get pain in my bones but I also have osteoarthritis and blame the oa for my bone pain. Mostly knees, ankle,hands. My fibro gives me my muscle pain and my pins and needles In My hands and feet. My pain meds only take the edge off my pain never painfree😥 sorry you can't find relief and it's got you down.hope your sleeping🌙💤💤💤. Take care. Chris xx
Bones as such will not be hurting but the inflammation created by such things a osteoarthritis will cause the pain. Muscles and ligaments get damaged once again causing inflammation as the body tries to heal itself.
Hi Dotpot, I get pains in my shins that feel like they are coming from my bones and my hips and hands feel like that at times. The rheumatologist told me that it’s because the nerve ends in the surrounding tissues go into “overdrive” and send too many signals. It’s not a bone or joint problem. He suggested yoga and it seems to be helping, I’ve surprised myself with how much I can do. You can even do some of it sitting down. x
I have pain to point of cutting legs off it does feel like its in my bones .i have fibo up and down thyroid .also very low vitamin d .do you swell up with fluid in your legs x body
Hi Dotpot,
I do get pain in my bones, but have DDD, and osteoarthritis, and I think some leftover bone pain from the chemo anti- estrogen drug, Femara. I am not sure which pain is coming from what ailment, but do get bone pain. Not sure how this helped but to know you are not alone. Hang in there.
I started getting pains in my shin bones these hurt the most now. The consultant said it was the fibro . I also started getting a lot of water in my legs which I take water pills for. I have the support stockings from my gp to keep the swelling down. Most aweful thing is I cannot walk to the local shops on my own support, I keep stopping (looks like I am drunk when walking)
I have now one of the walkers to hold onto with the seat in the middle. Now I have been told from my family that I look like an old woman with the walker. I am an old woman anyway. The walker has been a wonderful thing I can scoot around now and do not worry that I am going to fall,
Thought I was badly done to when my hands hurt and got the trigger thumb. Oh well must not give up.
Hi ya I’m same as u I can’t walk to local shop or buse stop I’m stuck in till my daughter comes the pain is yet Robles it’s going more everywhere I have osteoarthritis to morebmynspinen and goes in my ribs it kills most days go on electric blanket for a few hrs it helps had gall bladder out it wasn’t that ok take care Dorothy x
I do and it really hurts , legs ankles are very bad I feel you’re pain . I think all pain relief does is take the edge off , the pain is always there and I find it’s better to try and distract yourself I’m a crafter and that’s what I use to take my mind off pain . Ixxx😇
Yes I’m the same nothing takes it off or if it does not for long horrible ain’t what caused u mine was a car accident had it 14yrs only gone on morphine recently really struggling I have morphine but need to watch other meds on at night as fall asleep on the loo then fall numbness is bad to x
I know it’s not funny about you falling asleep on the loo. I would love to fall asleep anywhere .If I was You I would get into bed before you take you’re strong meds .So sorry you had an accident those years ago ,because you must think what if I hadn’t .We just have to plough on and when it’s bad there is always someone on here to lift us .All the best love and hugs xx😇
Yes - but then my problems started after I hurt my back and I have three inflamed discs in lower right hand side - my body has never fully recovered. I get pains though in the back of my legs where it feels like the bones gonna pop through skin and in my arms too