Hi guys just looking to see if any of you get pain in the thighs and groin area when they stand up or drive if I have been sitting a while it can be painful to stand then when I walk feel as though walking with very heavy weights on my thighs 😏 soft hugs and thank in advance
Pain in legs : Hi guys just looking to... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Pain in legs

Hi Zita71
I do get the pain as you have described. I hobble around when getting up from a sitting position. This condition has completely changed the way I walk. I feel like I have aged 30 years overnight!
Hi I to have the same problem with pain in all those places. My legs hurt all the time I have forgotten what its like to have no pain. Some days it feels like they are not going to support me. Sorry can't offer any advice only that your not alone. Take care x
I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing these issues, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to the problem. I do not experience exactly what you have described but I wanted to genuinely wish you all the best of luck with finding the answers that you are looking for.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi. Yes it feels as though someone is using my thighs as elastic bands and stretching them as far as they can. Sometimes when I walk my hips start and I find it hard to walk properly. When I have been sitting down for a while I seize up and it is very painful but wears off after a few minutes.
I have noticed that, in the last 3 days I've had a terrible time trying to put one foot in front of the other and I've slowed down to a snails pace! I've always said that if something bothers you enough to be thinking about it continuously, make an appointment with the Dr! This is exactly what I've done!....I'm seeing her this afternoon...as I refuse to put everything in the "FIBRO BOX" ...much love...ninja...xxx
Hi I was wondering how you got on at doctor x x soft hugs
Hi Zita71!... The Dr I had to see was new to the surgery and didn't know what the problem could be and suggested that I mention it to the pain management team who I have an appointment with in June!!! Not really much help at all, so I'll just keep an eye on it for the next few days...thanks for the concern... Very kind!...xxx
hi yes i get what you discribe im in tears as we speak i havent slept in a week i have suffered with violent thigh pelvis and grion pain for over 5yrs feel like im going to go insaine ive had enough i have had every med patch and injection that you can have nothing has worked i currently take zapain for the pain and on the mini pill as they think i have endo as well im at my whits end my thighs are on fire im cold all the time not sleeping and it feels like my thighs are in a vice sorry to of load im going to the hospital on tuesday to see a gyne for a second opinion about the endo to see if that is causing the severe thigh pain as the adhesions might be pressing on a nerve hope you having not to bad of a day take care joanne x
Absolutely! Glad I'm not the only one. I get the same pain when I'm walking...I can feel all the muscles and ligaments working as I lift my feet to step forward and feel it all again when I put my feet down again. It tends to make me concentrate on moving carefully....maybe that's what they mean when they talk about being 'mindful'
Ooooh! Lots of you have similar problems. Yes, I feel like I've aged too in all of this...I used to take long strides and walk very quickly, nowadays I take smaller steps and walk slowly and quite carefully when I'm out but when I'm at home, I shuffle...hmmm...not good

You described it so well x x in a sense it's a good to know I am not the only with this x x thought I was going mad x x thanks for sharing 😘
Check you don't have a vitamin D deficiency, I had similar pains when sitting and stiffness when getting up out of chairs and bed. Even thought I needed new hips, but not so as Doctor said I was extremely flexible on my hips and did I do Ballet or Yoga ? (No I didn't.)
I was found to be D deficient, but even being 'low' within the vitamin D blood range range you might benefit from taken vitamin D3.
Once I was on my optimal dose Vitamin D, my pains fell away quickly and I was once again able to get up out of chairs and bed normally without it hurting.
vitamindcouncil tells you all about Vitamin D safe doses to take and illnesses it can help prevent.
Oh yes I know that feeling oh to well. You will also have days your legs feel like they cannot hold your body up or that your knees are twisting and then other times like your ankles are breaking under your body weight. My newest one is my feet feeling this they r ripping open with every step I take. But doctors around here don't recognize fibro as a illness it's all psychological and u need to seek mental help. Those I wish would have to deal with these problems.