The Fatigue is on its way!: Hi there... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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The Fatigue is on its way!

mcglada0 profile image
12 Replies

Hi there. Every few weeks I get 3-7 days of fatigue when I am completely exhausted and no use to man nor beast. I know it's coming because I sleep far too long at night and yawn all the time during the day. Is there anything I can do at this stage to avoid days on the sofa unable to muster the energy to do anything? Also when this happens the pain steps up a gear and becomes unbearable. Does anyone else have this pattern of fatigue? Hope everyone reading this has as good a day as possible.

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mcglada0 profile image
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12 Replies

Hi mcglada0 yes this is how its seems to go for me starts off with the fog, on Sunday went to an Indian restuarant when the guy came to ask my order I went blank couldn't remember if I was in an Indians or Chinese so didn't want to ask for anything in case I insulted anyone luckily my hubby knows I alwaygs get the same thing and stepped in I just burst out laughing and said sorry forgot where I was there, wish I knew of a way to stop it but you've just got to go with it till its over me thinks. Take care 🌻X

mcglada0 profile image
mcglada0 in reply to

Thanks for your reply. I agree that there doesn't seem much we can do to speed up the recovery when fatigue sets in. It's so frustrating and so miserable! I'm sooo sore today and tired AND the sun is shining but I don't feel like going outside. Next week ------. I hope you are having a good day. X

Janesara profile image

I get exactly the same but I also feel sick and have an upset tummy alongside the fatigue and extra pain. The soles of my feet are so sore and I have trouble getting up and walking. The fog is terrible for a couple of days. I'm on the sofa for three to four days but takes a good week to get over it. Xx good to know I'm not alone in these problems . My husband thought it was a tummy bug I keep getting from the students at school but now realises it's part of my condition. I have had to go part time at work from this September so I get rest days in between teaching sessions. Xx ive told my family that if they ask me how I feel they will now get a rating instead of "I'm fine, I,m ok, I feel terrible" it's now 5 out of 10' not a brilliant day, 8 out of ten well enough to go out the door. X hope your having a 8out of 10 xx

mcglada0 profile image
mcglada0 in reply to Janesara

I was also a teacher but reluctantly retired last summer due to this horrible condition. It's the unpredictability of the fatigue! I'm sorry that you also get nausea. I used to get it really badly but now just feel yuck, exhausted and racked with pain. At least we know that the worst will pass for a week or two before the next flare. I do hope that you are having a good run and managing to keep the nausea at bay. X

suep40 profile image


I get this too, it totally floors me and yes the pain increases tenfold. No advice other than to try and rest up and pace yourself.

mcglada0 profile image
mcglada0 in reply to suep40

Thanks for advice and I'm sorry that you go through these horrible flares too. It's the unpredictability that's so frustrating! I'm resting just now as pain screaming but I so find it difficult to pace myself when I feel a bit better. X

Hi hun. yes I recently went off the forum with a nasty flare up of fatigue, my gp tried me on SSR,s ( a bit like anti depressants) I was wiped out,, diet is important, many say "oh that old cliché"none of us have the same areas of pain and many can go without fatigue, I have learned to pace myself daily (I retired from work last year with fibro) you may have seen I recently put a new bathroom floor down, that took me 5 weeks bit by bit and I discipline myself not to go overboard, it took me 2 years to decorate my new flat in every room but I often tell myself "no deadline" I go to bed when I like and get up when I want nowadays I know many cannot do this who work. I order groceries from the net, I,m an ebay queen for many of my household needs, I have a very small flower bed that I weed now and then and in between I watch loads of tennis..

mcglada0 profile image

You seem to really have the hang of pacing yourself. I haven't mastered it yet - I don't feel as if I overdo things but I suppose I must do as these flares come so often. I feel as if I have hot pokers digging into me just now and I'm so tired. I am also retired but do quite a bit of child minding for my two young grandchildren. Anyway, thanks for your support and I hope that you are as well as possible just now. X

Janesara profile image
Janesara in reply to mcglada0

I struggle pacing myself, still trying to get my head around this condition. My husband is very strict with me in pacing myself and having rest time. I get the red hot pokers as well at the moment my right arm is killing me and my feet are socking in a bowl of hot water and magnesium sulphate to hopefully ease the sore feet. Rest lady and pase yourself xx Jane x

mcglada0 profile image
mcglada0 in reply to Janesara

Thanks Jane. I'm really sorry that you're suffering as well. It sucks! You sound as if you have a very supportive hubby. I do too but he is out at work a lot and I always see things to do when I'm having a better few days. Do you find that resting helps? Audrey x

Janesara profile image

Hi Audrey x yes I must admit I do find resting helps me, I try to rest after each activity like shopping, and only clean for short periods of time then rest. What I do struggle with is washing my hair, it's very long and lifting my arms to wash it just does my body in, I'm shattered after doing this and have to lie down for a while, seems so stupid! My hubby works a lot as well so when I'm home I try to keep up with washing, cooking and cleaning, but just pace each activity. I had a really bad weekend so I've been resting this week. Back to work on 4th September but part time from now on, will be weird but that's what I need to do to have a hopefully easier life and prevent flare up. Xx hope you resting, hugs Jane x

mcglada0 profile image
mcglada0 in reply to Janesara

Hi Jane. You sound very similar to me but thanks for tips on pacing. I'm having a bad few days so having time to reflect and think how I can improve my life. I get severe pain in buttocks and down back if my legs. It makes sitting tiresome but also if I'm on my feet too much it's sooo sore. I take pain meds just once a day when pain at its peak. I'm not good with meds and would love to do without them but maybe that will come if I learn to pace. I hope your feet have eased up a bit. Pain is so wearing! I have my wee granddaughter all day tomorrow so I'm hoping that resting up all day today will help with my pain and energy levels tomorrow. Good that you are getting back to work and that it's now part time. Hope you're getting plenty rest and feel better for weekend. Audrey x

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