Worried about my GP & my ESA review - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Worried about my GP & my ESA review

evianfan profile image
13 Replies

Hi, I've been on ESA in support group since 2013, I was originally placed in there due to severe problems with diabetic neuropathy making walking and using my hands difficult - it's like RLS but affects my hands too. Since then I've been diagnosed and treated for colorectal cancer, currently 3 years I. Remission and have had a diagnosis of fibromyalgia and underactuve thyroid.

I had an app out Kent with my GP on Friday and he basically spoke to me and treated me as if I'm being a nuisance. He was going on about a letter he'd received from one of my consultants and when he couldn't access it, as it hadn't been scanned, started saying I didn't need an app on Trent and should have just asked for a phone consultation - before even finding out why I was there - then said 'you've got 4 minutes left, what did you want?'

I went on to try and tell him, I was in shock he'd said that about having 4 minutes left and ended up leaving with a prescription for ranitidine, which I alreadyntake and doesn't help - it's for something completely different to,what I tried describing. I left really upset and have been stressed since especially as I recently sent of the annual ESA review papers to DWP.

I want to change my GP, but know this will create a problem, but I also know I'll get no help regarding ESA from this one. I feel so upset and stressed at how he spoke to me, I'm in remission from bowel cancer and was discussing issues with my bowel yet he was completely dismissive.surely that's not right?

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evianfan profile image
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13 Replies
tulips123 profile image

Far from right. No excuse for treating you this way.

As I see it, your ESA review is a separate issue. You have health problems that impact on your life, and this is what an Assessor will need to see. Explain what it is that you cant do, eg. your hands (I can relate), and your mobility (again, I can relate) Perhaps worth talking to Citizens Advice?

If I was in your shoes I think I would be looking for a new GP. Whether or not you could find one within your current Surgery, or need to look elsewhere, with chronic health conditions you need a GP you can trust and feel comfortable with. This doesn't necessarily need to affect your ESA review. With advice when filling in forms, you will need dates when tests and diagnoses were made and a list of medications. The most important part will then be showing the Assessor how your disability affects you.

I wish you the very best. :) XX

evianfan profile image
evianfan in reply to tulips123

Thank you. I've been lucky so far as I only had an initial assessment in June 2013 & due to the cancer diagnosis I've pretty much been left alone until now. I'm just concerned if I start changing GP now, it might make the review awkward regarding medical reports.

Oh well, not my fault I suppose. Thank you 👍🏼

tulips123 profile image
tulips123 in reply to evianfan

I can understand that. Difficult to know whether best to wait until after the claim or go immediately. Tough call. It's about what's on record really, if DWP decide to check it out. Fingers crossed for you. I believe it's the Assessment that is usually the factor once the recorded facts are accepted. I do hope you get a fair hearing. :) xx

evianfan profile image
evianfan in reply to tulips123

Thank you 😄

tulips123 profile image

So sorry. Just realised you said forms have already gone in so please ignore that. I'm sure you've had enough of people not listening! I hope the rest of it helps a little. xx

TheAuthor profile image

Hi evianfan

I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I know that you have enough on your plate already but I would submit a complaint against this GP? I have pasted for you below a link to the CAB cache about preparing for ESA assessments:


I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your ESA outcome, and please take care of yourself my friend.

All my hopes and dreams for you


Bananas5 profile image

If DWP contact your GP then he has, by law, to complete their form. As any information he give will be on your medical records he is not required to give any opinion.

So don't worry.

Very few GPs are ever contacted anyway and the assessment is done by your submitting forms and your face to face


rosewine profile image

First of all good luck with it. According to my newish GP he is now rarely contacted about patients to do with ESA or PIP. He had the feeling he no longer has the influence he used to have with these decisions. I had moved house and had just made my first appointment with this GP when my PIP forms came through. My records from the previous GP were in some kind of halfway storage facility and inaccessible so I felt I was up a creek without a paddle so I know how you feel.

I hate this 10 minute thing as by the time you are in and seated and they start looking at your nite 5 minutes have gone by. I have heard alot lately from friends that they have been told their time is up. They said it was like being in a boxing ring with the bell ringing before they had been able to land a punch. Do see if there is another GP you can see. Two people told me not to see the one that had been allocated to me as she was a nasty piece of work, I spoke to her in the phone only once and agreed. I saw a lovely GP who had been recommended. He does put my hip pain down to fibro but did have it Xrayed to see if my osteo had got worse. I went with a sinus infection and actually had a lecture that I should have gone sooner! Do hope you get some one more sympathetic. Do let us know how your ESA goes.x

evianfan profile image
evianfan in reply to rosewine

Thanks, there is only one other GP in the practice and tbh, she is just as bad - as soon as I get into her room, she is complaining about my level of pain relief that is prescribed..

I'm looking into changing GP and a letter is going off to me CCG this week x

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to evianfan

Good luck with finding someone more sympathetic. I wish I could bring my old GP out if retirement.x

Mistee71 profile image

You need to report that Dr. At the reception desk you can pick up a leaflet with a phone NO. on it. You just explain what happened then they take over. You should get a letter of apology and the choice to change Doctors. They can't seem to do enough for you once these people get involved. The practice look after you then. I done it and it was so easy to do. You don't have to go anywhere or see anyone, its just that one phone call and that's it. You don't even see or speak to that wretched doctor. Hope things are sorted for you now though.x

Meppie profile image

Has your surgery got a practice manager if so put it in writing to them and tell them your sending a copy of the letter to your MP if you don't get a response within 14 days. This should give them time to a least start a formal in house complaints procedure. I understand how you feel due to the fact I too had a GP who had the same attitude. I spoke to the practice Manager who took time to listen and dealt with the issue. GPs are there to do a job just like anyone else. To receive respect they must give respect. Hope things are OK and don't put up with this kind of attitude from anyone.

You got to strong honey you have go back to your Doctor and put your foot down get your diagnoses in writing otherwise you will have agro with PIP

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