I am worried sick i failed ESA medical two years ago now i am back on for different health reason, been diagnosed with depression anxiety and fibro, i have also got IBS arthritis in knees hip fingers hands , cold, worn discs bottom of spine curvature of spine and cysts on spine, been prediabetic for over a year, i rang medical people up Monday about any news on medical for ESA medical, the man said i don't need one n they have informed ESA , i rang ESA and division maker has had it since 24th April, its worrying as why i have not been called for medical, its stressing me out making me ill worrying, can anyone help please
ESA no medical worried sick - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ESA no medical worried sick

The only reason, that I am aware of, as to why they do not require a medical is: if your claim form and correspondence submitted from your doctor or medical letters, indicate that you are definitely as bad as you say you are and are, therefore unfit for work. Don't worry, they will contact you at some stage to verify you are unfit for work, so, I would start keeping a diary of what you do and how long it takes you to do it, how much it hurts and how often you end up saying oh s*d it I'm not bothering. Please keep the details as they happen and not as you would like them to happen.
thank you for reply, i have been yo doctors regularly on 130 tablets a WK and in a lot of pain, not person i used to be. I also got to have mental health appointments the dr did a amazing letter for me which i sent in with form, do they get doctors records to
Don't forget you have Anxiety and depression. Of course you will worry. I'd worry if you weren't worrying!! And likely you will be busy catastrophizing too. Oh no! What will I do if it all goes wrong again? That's kinda how these mental illnesses go. We are no longer resilient to stresses. (and another reason why these assessments are so toxic.)
A lot of folks are turned down, but if you (and your helper?) filled your form right, (your dr sounds like he's done his best to help you) the decision maker can hopefully decide right over your mental condition. If being found fit for work or work related activity, will be damaging for you, you should be awarded your benefit.
I hope you have positive news soon.
PS, lots of fibros have mental issues. I think it's coming from our typically poor digestion and us lacking essential nutrients for the brain. B vitamins esp, are hard to absorb when the tum is crook. I supplement with a good multi vitamin containing methylated B vitamins. I also take probiotics which do seem to help some. Not a cure because my tum keeps unsettling but def better than before.
I know how you feel, in the past I have always had a home appointment and this time they sent me an appointment to go to the assessment, the appointment for the medical assessment on 19 December, my back went a few days before the appointment and I phoned to tell then that I would not be able to get there, a very nice and helpful man on the other end of the phone checked my details and said that they were still waiting for information from my GP so wouldn't be able to do it anyway and that THEY were going to cancel that appointment, and that they would contact me again with a new one. a new one arrived on 13 January for the 19 January at am in Leicester. I suffer from panic attacks along with spinal damage and other fibro related symtoms, I explained to the girl on the phone that I was going to have to go on my own as there isn't anybody else who could go with me, and that I could not get there for 9am due to panic attacks, frequent falls etc, she said that they couldn't change my appointment as 'I', had already cancelled one, I told her that I hadn't they had and, she just said that if I didn't attend they would inform the Benefits Agency that I refused to go. I phoned the Benefits Agency, explained to them what had happened, and a very nice man said not to worry nothing would happen to my benefit as when they get the report back from the assessors they would write to me to find out what had happened, he also noted everything down on my file. by the middle of February I still hadn't heard anything and phoned them again, I was told not to worry that it was on the file and that somebody would get back to me if necessary. as of todays date I have still not heard anything, so don't worry about it, as long as the Benefits Agency know
Please Dont worry!!! They are way behind with paperwork & if /when they need to assess you they will send you an appointment. Do just check they have received your application if they have then you are fine. The stress of waiting to hear makes us worse so a call will ease your mind . Meanwhile do look at the website : benefitsandwork.co.uk
It is a real eye opener!! & Explains alot!! It helped me get upper level PIP as well as ESA which is your next step ... apply for PIP best of luck!!
Ali x
Don't worry if the man said you don't need a medical then they have enough medical information to put you in the unfit for work category. This happened to me also I didn't need a medical and was automatically put in the unfit to work group.
I was awarded my ESA without a medical, as long as they are satisfied with the evidence supporting your claim they are happy to award it, i wouldnt worry about not having one x
Thankyou everyone , its so stressing, i wanted to ring today to see if dicison maker had looked at claim but cut phone off i only rang yesterday but need to know, he has had it since 24th, bit everyone's messages seem positive, iv suffered for 2 days with a awful migraine worrying
Hey i have fibro and bipolar and unstable personality disorder anxiety agoraphobia i was worried sick having my medical redone but they told me there was no need as i had letters from hospital and ot etc showing the diagnosis all i can say is if you have any problems dont stand down fight your corner i have days where i cant walk due to the pain being so bad days where im so low with my mental health i dont want to be here people need to stand for what they no they need only you can do this x good luck
Thank you bird88,they don't realise how much stress they but you under, i rang yet again today about my ESA and apparently as of yesterday someone's looking at it, wonder how long that will take, been told to ring Wednesday think i will be calling before then x