Hi, ive just gone onto half wages 😩 SSP no longer payable after 30/3/17 so i have been told i can claim contribution based ESA, but i am getting conflicting information about this, is anyone able explain it to me in simple terms 🙄 I have worked for the last 28 yrs, all national insurance up to date!
Can i ask about ESA and half pay? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Can i ask about ESA and half pay?

Contribution based goes off how much national insurance you have paid. I have been transferred to this pkus been put in support group so I do not have to find a job as im proven unable to work. They should send you out all the forms.
Hello Loulouella we do have a Benefits Advisor, Janet who may be able to help you, follow the link from fmauk.org .
There is also the government website which is useful gov.uk/employment-support-a...
I suggest you make an appointment with the Citizens Advice, there may be a short waiting list so ring early.
I would usually say to ring DWP directly and ask but some members here and I include myself, have been given conflicting information, depending on who you talk to at the DWP.
I am not sure if you have a partner but Contribution based ESA is only given for a year as the DWP assumes your partner will support you after that. If you live alone you may be able to qualify for income based ESA as well to top up.
It really is worth getting professional advice.
Good luck!
Hmm. Yes. I rang DWP and we filled in the ESA form over the phone. They sent me some envelopes for the few items of paperwork needed. It was relatively painless if time consuming. The lady I spoke to was really helpful and pointed me at some other benefits worth applying for - even if the final answer is no. I hope you get someone similar.
Hi, I believe you need to have earned over around £110 a week for the past 2 teas to claim contribution based ESA I am in the same position as you and have just started my claim. You need to ring them to start it off. If you google ESA you should get the DWP pages with the number to ring. Let me know if you need any more help.
ESA is quite a complex benefit. Contribution based ESA is based on your NI record.
After you claim, you get sent a form called an ESA 50 to complete. You need to take advice from an expert on how to fill it in. Do not do it alone or you will fail to read between the lines. Your answers are point scored so you need to understand what they are looking for to make sure you answer accurately. It asks lots of questions and will be used by the Healthcare Professional (HCP) who sees you. They then tell DWP's decision-maker what you can and can't do. The decision-maker then decides one of the following
a) Fit for Work - no ESA payable.
b) Work-Related Activity Group - you are expected to get better. You are required to participate in activities to get you back to work. If you refuse to do so, you will be sanctioned. Contribution-based ESA will be paid for just 12 months and then it stops.
c) Support Group - for the most disabled. Contribution based ESA will be paid for as long as you qualify.
Contribution based ESA is means-tested against pension income and health insurance income. But even if you get no money, you will still get an NI credit towards your State Pension, so it is worth claiming just for that.
Hi I was in this situation and yes you can claim ESA contribution if NI is up to date. After 6 months sick I was put on half pay and lost the ssp part of my wage. I didn't know at the time I was able to claim ESA contribution while still employed until my employer stopped the amount of esa I would have got if I had claimed esa so a double whammy. When I queried this with payroll they told me to prove I didn't receive ESA which is impossible to do as DWP will not confirm you haven't claimed. This is the only reason I put my claim in and I explained to DWP the situation and they backdated ESA to when ssp ceased. Only trouble I had was although I told tax credits I no longer had ssp they failed to stop payments creating an overpayment of tax credits it is going to take 3 years to pay back.
Hi Loulouella
I can see that you have been given some wonderful replies and advice, so I will simply and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your ESA claim.
All my hopes and dreams for you