can i ask that the person whom conducts the interview be medicaly competent as i suffer from narcalepsy ie fall asleep even if standing f and fall very easily i have to be put in recovery position and left to sleep for one hour are they responsible if i fall and injure myself as i fall several times a day ?
can i ask for esa medicals to be reco... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
can i ask for esa medicals to be recorded

As far as I know you can question them on your condition. And as far as I know you can request it be recorded but they do not always do it or will find a reason why they cannot do it. xxxxx
The DWP has said that a WCA should not be conducted by a healthcare professional whose medical specialism was "diametrically opposed" to the presenting health problem of the claimant to be assessed:
However, that does not mean that they need to be medically competent to actually deal with your condition. What you normally do about going out?
Yes, I believe you can ask for the medical to be recorded.
yes you can. You must call in advance to request and always make a note of who you spoke to.i asked for a recording but when i got there nobody knew anything about it. I was told i could leave and come back when they had recording equiptment available but i was desperate to get the ordeal over with. Very frustrating. Good luck x
i also believe that to assess someone with fibro the assessor has to have completed a 6 week training course on fibro. When i called atos to question this they said it wasnt true,however when my mp wrote to them on my behalf they didnt question it!
Hello Kims2727,
If you haven't done so already FibroAction can send out the Benefits & Work Guides for free if you email: . They contain information on benefits, appeals and medicals.
Here's a link to the Benefits & Work site
I hope this is of help
hi kim, yes, mine was recorded, email them in advance so you have proof- always keep a papertrail with these ####'s
Has anyone one tried taking citrate Magnesium and avoiding too much Cakcium
Yes, you can ask for the session to be recorded but you must do so well in advance. Send them a Recorded Delivery (Signed For) letter, to prove that you sent it and that they received it. I did this and I received a copy of the tape afterwards to take home with me. I then used the tape to disprove certain aspects of the HCP's written report and the DWP put me in the Support Group. For example, the HCP claimed I sat for 2 hours but on the tape you hear me asking several times if it was OK to stand up and move about. The HCP said I managed the two steps up to the couch without difficulty, but on the tape you hear the HCP grabbing hold of me as I lost my balance and asking if I am OK, and telling me not to get on to the couch? The HCP got dates wrong in the report but the tape proved I answered correctly. There were about 20 factual errors, and the tape proved it. So get the session recorded to protect your position.