Hi there i have not been on this site for very long, and this is the first time i have posted something.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 6 months ago after having pain in my lower back for about 15 years, as well as a number of other medical problems too. I actually had to change GP as i felt that anytime i went to see him about things, he would be quite condescending and actually even said that he thought i only went to see him because i wanted more painkillers, where i just wanted some one to investigate into my problems more.there was nothing that the doctors could do fir my back, MRI should this, but i was having lots of pain around my body, was always so exhausted and was having memory issues. I did google my symptoms and firbromyagia was listed as a possibility.
i changed GP because the one i was seeing just seemed to dismiss everything i was saying to him, but as a mum of three and a wife, i needed ti have some answers without being judged, hence why i thought changing GP's may help, and it did. They were very supportive and i was sent to see a neurologist, and it was him that diagnosed it, and was not happy that my old gp hadn't investigated it further.
I now see an number of different doctors and departments but this just seems to get me referred to more departments and they find more things that have wrong with me too.
I am just trying to reach out to everyone to see what advice they can give me on how to live with this, what things i can do to help myself and how i can teach myself about pacing myself to try and stop the flare ups from happening all the time. For example i decided to clean the bath room and hover the stairs, and because i knelt down on my knees for only 10-15 mins, i have spent the last few days in agony, with my left thigh swollen to twice its size as well as swollen knees and i cant weight bear on my leg at all, so having to use crutches to get around. The worse thing is that this isn't the firs time this has happened, but the doctors don't know why this keeps happening after a short length of time.
If anyone could give me so advice on how to move forward and hopefully find something that could help me both physically, but also mentally as well, as i feel this is the main thing i'm struggling with.
It hard to explain to people that i really am ill, but because they can't see anything physically, then they don't tend to believe you. i even have members of my own family not believing me, its only been in the last month or so that my sister finally admitted that she believed me. This has caused some huge arguments between myself and my sibling, which really hurt, as I feel that they should have understood what i am going through,and even now there is still a big wedge between us, and i feel that my in-laws are far more understanding and supportive of me, and help u so much, and i cant blame not living close as they only live 2 minutes away.
sorry for such a long post but i am really needing some help and support through this difficult time in my life, my friend recommended this forum site as she found it extremely helpful and informative.
any advice would be so helpful and greatly appreciated.
Many thanks