Hello everyone, I have just joined this site, but have had Fibro for over 13 years.
Recently I have been diagnosed with RA (but Rheumy not convinced) I have very swollen and painful hands and fingers, I have tried Methotrexate, but had too many side effects so have now been given Sulpasalazine (hope this works). He has suggested I up my pregabalin, by 50mg, at present I am on 150mg as when doubled a few years ago I couldn't function.
The Rheumy seems to think that my Fibro is causing a lot of the pain, but as there is inflammation showing in my hands, as shown on ultra sound scan, he has to treat me as having RA. I also have osteoarthritis and loads of other medical problems.
Has anyone been treated for RA and it turned out to be Fibro?
Any help greatly appreciated.
Gentle ((((((((hugs)))))))