Good morning all, I have been to the pain clinic for my fibromyalgia and the doctor has offered me a lidocaine infusion to help with my all over pain. I have had cortisone injections and epidurals in the past but now have osteoporosis and should nit be on steroids now because it will make my bones more brittle. Has anyone had thus before?? Did it help? And would you have it again?? Thanks for helping. X
Lidocaine Infusion for pain control ? - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Lidocaine Infusion for pain control ?

Hi Linda777 it's nice to meet you ☺ like you I have had the cortisone inje tions before but not the lidocaine infusions, so I don't know but there are members on the site that do have them, so I'm sure when ppl.are up & about, you will get lots of replys. it is given to ppl. with osteoporosis.
I do hope they help you.
Peace, luv n light
Jan x
Hello Linda.......I just wanted to say Hi and welcome..I cannot help with info on injections but I am sure someone on here can help. Wishing you all the best.....x
Hello Linda- yes I have them all, still having some mild steroid injections for calcium crystal disease, had lidocaine infusion 3 times over the 15 years, I too have osteopeania signs from having numerous steroid injections for A.S and fibro I would not have been able to cope or live without them and maybe wouldn.t be here to tell the tale.. Yes is the answer I would have it again in order to cope survive and be pain manageable, no good leaving this life in awful pain and suffering if there is no need to whatever the drugs might do.. Lidocaine from memory is a painkilling drug sometime used as a local anaesthetic too in reduced dosage and so if it is being offered then accept it is my advise... Good Luck to you
Hi Linda777
I have never had these injections myself but I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with them. I have Osteoporosis due to steroids but I cannot stop taking them as I have asthma and COPD. As a result I have been given Alendronic Acid and Acrette D3 to help my bones.
I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Ken the doc says I should take the acid too, but that seems to have lots of effects ? Burns your throat or stomached? Have you had any problems with it ?
Linda x
Hi Linda777 There can be quite a few side effects with the Alendronic Acid. I think that I am lucky as the only side effect I appear to suffer with them is a feeling that the tablet is stuck in my throat for a short time even though I have swallowed it.
I have read on the forum that it can be administered by one injection a year and there are less side effects with this. It may be something to talk to your doctor about?
Good luck my friend
Ken x
Hello Linda777, I have had lidocaine inj in my shoulders and worked well for me. I'm thinking of getting my knees done next! But I have not had the infusion! There are other people in this forum who had the infusion but don't know how things turned out. I also have oa so steroids are not for me.good luck☺ chris
Hi Linda, there seems to be some confusion for me in the replies you have received as some say they have as injections.
Infusions are totally different, but 2 types, 1 for a certain area, i.e. Shoulder where you have drip with Linnocaine in suspension fluid for about 2 hours which I have had a couple of times for arthritic shoulder pain,but had no relief.
Original Lidnocaine Infusions, which I started in 2003, involved 7 days in hospital, 6 days of having Lidnocaine Infusions that lasted about 8 hours a day, each day the Lid to suspension ratio was increased i.e. More good stuff & less move round your body fluid lol.
These Infusions made me feel like the Bionic woman the 1st time I had, compared to how I was. We had to go in every 6 months to keep topped up. These really helped me for a few years, but began to feel less relief of pain & really having 6 days in bed no housework etc all usual kind of things, was more relief than the Lidnocaine. Heart problems can be effected by this, my friend had no heart problems & had to have triple heart bye pass at 43, I had angina attack whilst javelin g treatment & was really scary. I had treatment another couple of times & then said to the dr I wanted to miss the next appointment to see if I had similar pain to when I had it & then decided to stop.
Whatever the being offered I hope they supply you with as much info as possible so you can make an informed decision.
If you want any more info plz feel free to pm me
Karen. X
Thank you Karen, I am a bit concerned about your angina attack, does the infusion affect your heart ?? Really worried now x
Hi Linda777, I'm having Lidocaine Infusion at the moment, I ad it 4 2hrs then 2weeks later again 4 2hrs & now I'av to c the doc at the end of jan 17, to ave a chat with him, 2 c if it's helping my pain, which I feel it's taking the edge off, but only on some days. My pain levels are usually about a 10, & now with this there are about 7/8 or 8/9 so i'm not sure it is doing much 4 me. I was told that if I was benefiting from it I would b aving it for 2hrs every 3months. I have not bn told or warned, about it could affect my heart, so i'm not aware that it do'es, & I have ad a heart attack in 2011, plus a stent put in. I think u need to talk again to the doc who as offered u this treatment, & take it from there what u think will b best 4 u hun. Because of what I'av read on ur reply's, I will now ask about if i'm in any danger with my heart having this treatment.
Thank you to you & all your reply's.
Gentle Hugs x.
Like I said it really depends if your having the kind of Lidnocaine Infusions I had for about 7 years 2x's a year for 6 days in a row & 8 hours solid on the bed, which were the original Infusions for Fibro Chronic Pain etc, those are ones I was given info on heart problems with & as my dad, nan & grandad all died of heart attacks I was very nervous at first to have it & after my aging attack & my friends triple heart bye pass & the fact I had already began to think the pain relief was less or hardly at all compared to when I started is why I stopped. I have had he 2hour infusion for shoulder pain also but did nothing & levels are obviously tiny amounts compared with 6 day Infusions. Either way though I would expect them
To give you info regarding any side effects and as the heart ones are the biggest one definitely would have expected them to give you this info so you can make an informed choice. DURING 6 day Infusions you are constantly hooked up to Heart monitor & blood pressure is set up to be taken every hour also so any problems would be instantly dealt with. It would def be worth contacting the dr or nurse practitionsire to get this info if you haven't already been given it, hope that helps Karen xx