Hiya, I got diagnosed with a blood clot and thursday in my leg and got medication and sent home. Im still in pain, is this normal, maybe it just takes a couple of days so sort out. Also, i have read it is better to elevate it all the time but I have also read its better to get it moving...Im going crazy. Any advice?? Xx
Blood clot: Hiya, I got diagnosed with... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Blood clot

Oh wow how scary. I hope it gets straightened out soon. I would venture to guess it will hurt till it breaks up but I have never had one so I can't tell for sure. When you are resting keep it elevated but get up and move about. I got done things when I had surgery that massage the legs to prevent blood clots. Be apron by djo global vascular therapy system. If you can find them or something like them on the net let me know and I will help you look.
Hi Kaziecat.....If I where you I would ask my doctor the best thing to do as blood clots can be nasty if not treated the right way. Take care of yourself.....xx
Hi there, all I know iss back in the day my mum suffered badly with Thrombosis in her leg. She was made to wear surgical stockings and keep her legs elevated.
I am glad you have found out you have it and are getting treatment for it. Maybe you could ring your GP or nurse or even the pharmacists you got your medication from. I think I would ask to speak to the pharmacists if it was me. xx
Hi I got diagnosed in June with blood clots in leg yes the pain is normal and elevating your leg can only help did you injection at the hospital or just tablets the pain is horrible and I'm still suffering now I do hope your Meds kick in quickly take care hun sending hugs xx
Im taking rivaroxaban, didnt have an injection.....and oh my days....the pain, I thought labour was bad. Bambamsnan I am so sorry to hear you are still struggling. Sending hugs back xx
Hello Kazie, from my A&E experience a clot doesn't dissolve quickly BUT if you are experiencing bad pain then go back sometimes they get bigger! is your leg swollen? is there signs of it going blue? are you on warfarin? Has g.p ever advised to take half of an aspirin per day to avoid blood clots? elevation? depends where the clot is and wether its moving or static,, let me know soonest..

Hiya thank you for your advice, I have managed to walk on it in the last hour and noticed the swelling has gone down, but will keep my eye on it. Thank you xx
Hi sorry you are going through it at the moment. I had two deep vein thrombosis some years back. They told me to elevate the leg when sitting but to move around as much as I could. The one thing they said not to do was to stand in the same place for any length of time as that means your circulation goes what they called "stagnant". Yes I had quite a bit of pain in those areas for quite some time. if the leg starts to swell again or go red do get some advice asap but hopefully the prompt treatment will have done the trick. I only had one occurance after that and have none since so fingers crossed this is a one off.x
Hiya thank you, I wasnt told very much in hospital so thank you for your advice. I have been elevating it and every so often being trying to walk on it and move it. In the last hour I have managed to get it moving a lot and noticed the swelling has really gone down. I sympathise sooooo much with anyone that goes through this. Just awful. Hope you are okay xx
Great news so pleased the swelling has come down. It is a horrible feeling when you get home from something and you realise you don't know what to do for the best. Hope it keeps on getting better over the next few days. It must be the season for blood clots as just put down the phone and someone I see quite often ended up at the hospital yesterday and is on Heparin over the weekend and a scan on Monday to see if the clot is starting to disperse.x
Hi, I have had thrombophlebitis 3 times and my legs swelled and were hot and painful. I had to have Clexane injections in my tummy daily. Hubby was very good and did them for me, so that helped.
I was told to rest and elevate but take gentle exercise, well that's a contradiction isn't it "
Hope your pain and swelling eases soon.
Hi Kaziecat
I really am so genuinely sorry to read this and I have pasted you a link below to the NHS Choices cache on blood clots. Hopefully you will find this useful:
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your treatments and I genuinely hope that it gets better soon. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
On counting my spoon julia say's Fibro suffers are more prone to ischaemic attacks(blood clots/TIA's) ive been told twice have D-dimer/DVT when was there with my breathing issues
Although I have not had a clot as such I do occasionally get pain in my leg when it is elevated for too long, such as in the evening. I massage the leg and also make sure I fidget quite a lot, wriggling my toes and moving my feet round and round, I try not to allow my legs to just remain dormant when elevated. Hope this helps.