appointment at rhematology ,im cured ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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appointment at rhematology ,im cured !!!!

lynz profile image
30 Replies

went for my appointment at rhemie and according to my doc once all my kids have moved out i will be all better , !!! :-P

wahoo lol ,

and ive also got hypermobility aswell ,

so then only another 20 yrs or so and then im all better ,what do you think ,do you think that this will be my miraculous cure ?

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lynz profile image
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30 Replies

******************* thats what i think , what a bloody idiot,if he s right Id better kick all my kids out,they really are a joke,

lynz profile image

i know lally ,i was so gob smacked i just smiled seetly and left ,oh and i got another leaflet on fibro ,the same one i get everytime i go !

lynz profile image
lynz in reply to lynz

*sweetly lol

SuzySparkle profile image

ong - let me see this rheumie who has the cure!!!! Clearly not up to date with all the current research that evidences the physiological nature of the symptoms - of course we all know stress makes it worse, but no body has yet said ' I'm cured'!!! it was all just because I'm stressed!!! there must have been so much you wanted to say?!!! lol

fibrodude profile image

Oh dear...I have no kids and I still got I a freak or what? LOL xxx

in reply to fibrodude

Perhaps you have phantom kids fibrodude that hang around just to cause you stress..... :)

lynz profile image
lynz in reply to

like ! i think lots of people must cause not all of us have children

fibrodude profile image
fibrodude in reply to

Haha...yes phantom kids...thats just what I need...asking for phantom pocket money and getting on my phantom nerves! Ha! :)

in reply to fibrodude

Maybe you dream of having children and the stress is making you ill lol...

fair enough the one I saw last week told me its a chronic condition and I wont get any better,ever ever, and then discharged me as there nothing they can do, Im on the meds that I should be on, got a phychologist and pain clinic, so thats it

poppy-03 profile image

What a joke! my boys don't live with me, havnt for the last 5yrs and I developed fibro 3yrs ago!!!

so wonder whsat reason he would give me?

You need to request a second oppinion at either same clinic or different hospital

PALs will help you if your Gp wont

Hugs Poppy xx

Let's all kick our kids out , husbands too if they cause us stress. pack up work turn off the phone, don't answer the door , definitely don't read ANY letter that comes in a brown envelope ( especially if it ha DWP on it ) and live in a bubble forever........... And don't forget to hire a few servants to attend to our every whim !

And hey presto . Instant cure !

I'm rapidly losing faith in doctors... can you tell ? :)

lynz profile image
lynz in reply to

lol ,im the same xx

lynz profile image

ive just remembered the best of it ,i was telling her that i wanted to apply for dla again ,and was telling her that how much worse its got and ,my daughter is doing so much etc ,

thats when she said "well i cant tell the dla you have a debilatating illness ,and it wont improve ,cause it will ," thats when she said that when the kids are all grown up etc etc etc

all i can say is thank god ,that i have gone out there and found imfo myself ,and learnt so much from this site ,

some people dont and think that doctors know best ,if i was like that i would now be waiting for my miraculous cure !

in reply to lynz

Maybe she misinterpritated you, maybe she thought when you said your daughter does everything, she thought you were complaining about her, maybe not don't think specialists listen very well, xx

Grrr Lynz , she sounds as much use as a chocolate teapot. I sometimes wonder why they get labelled specialist cos there's nowt special about some of them !

I really wish they could have this condition themselves and THEN tell us it's not a debilitating illness.


bless you what an ignorant person i would go back to your gp and tell them what was said and ask to go see another rheumy lol sure you went to rfight place ? what with fibro fog !!

my 2 girls are are 19 and 25 and she has not lived here for 5 years my youngest is work all day and prob spends about 8 hours a day here thnats in bed asleep i have had fibro bout 2/3 years

so that is load of rubbish

you could call the rheuy dept and complain i done that at physio i saw woan she was awful think she thought i was putting it all on so i called them after an appointment and asked if i could see skekone else and they did i saw the head man and he was fantastic had an hour meeting with him we spoke at lenghth and eventually he said that there was no need for me to go with him anymore as he could not do anything for me i my case so may be worth a go

love to you diddle x

kavqc profile image

Is this a qualified doctor or student, I have an appointment with a Rhuematolgist on the 24th may last time I saw them I was sent to pain managment and discharged pain managment looked at me and said no way. Ask for a second opinion from another doctor and take all the info you have on fibro, the doctor I saw was great but hope to see what he can do for me as I have gone downhill big time and Im not entitled to DLA as I can walk with crutchs and can just about make a drink. Ring social services and get yourself a Social Worker and things will get a whole lot easier with DLA etc but I suggest a new Rhueamtologist

lynz profile image
lynz in reply to kavqc

she was a qualified doc

,when i first got diagnosed with fibro it was my gp who managed to do it and not her ,when i told her that i had fibro ,(this is months back ) she sternly told me

"well ,i hope you dont sit there feeling sorry for yourself ,ive seen people with this put themselves in wheel chairs !"

i should have known then shouldnt i lol

lynz profile image

thank you every one for the comments and advice ,i will take it all on board :)

hugs to all xxx

Sharon_J profile image

I can't believe this, some doctors have not got a clue! I makes me so mad!

It seems though that your really lucky if you get a good understanding switched on dr for fibo!

Hugs to you Lynz xx

fibrodude profile image

Maybe if anyone who has a fantastic Rheumatologist or Specialist names them we should all go and see them? It would be great to leave the bum doctors behind! (no pun intended) xxxx

Ang01 profile image

Oh dear, well I dont know what she would tell me then cos I dont even have a goldfish never mind kids!!.

Did you see the actual consultant Lynz or was it one of her sidekicks?? It could have been a very very junior doctor that you saw and someone perhaps with no rheumatology experince other than that they have been placed there as part of their rotation. If that was the case it is defo worth your while asking your GP to refer you back and next time request that you see the consultant. Its worth telling your GP what they said too as they could intervene on your behalf if they have diagnosed you and are treating you for fibro.

I havn't seen a rheumatologist as I get all my treatment from my GP but I do see someone at the hospital for my lymphoedema and also for the continence problems and have also seen some from psychiatry.

Dont give up Lynz, its you going through this illness so you need to see someone who knows what they are talking about and who is going to treat you accordingly.

Take care, love Angela xx

catleigh profile image

"well ,i hope you dont sit there feeling sorry for yourself ,ive seen people with this put themselves in wheel chairs !"

I am truly horrified that anyone would say this let alone a so called qualified doctor! Its disgusting!


lynz profile image
lynz in reply to catleigh

i know, at the time i had only just been diagnosed ,so didnt know anything about fibro ,now i understand how awful she was being at the time cause none of us wouuld willingly put our selves in a wheel chair !

,with the flare ups etc im not as near as bad as some people ,but my worst flare ever a few weeks ago ,i can now understand why some of us would need a wheel chair , xx

Jeannie profile image

Truly shocking!! Take care - hugs x

nuttytartuk2003 profile image

lol and these are the people we trust with our healthcare? what a joke, same thing happened to me, the rheumy that diagnosed me said something pretty similar, the stress of life, mortgage, marriage and kids caused mine, I've had this illness since I was in my late teens, I wasn't married, I had no kids, no mortgage and deffinately no stress, she explained how talking therapies can help with the pain, offered me a psychiatrist as the only treatment she can give me and discharged me back to my Gp, this is supoosedly a specialist in fibromyalgia!! pffffft! that was in June 2010 3 weeks ago I requested to see a rheumy again my doctor has referred me back to the same one, I have an appointment on 23rd may and I'm wondering what crap she'll come out with this time!

Irene x

lynz profile image
lynz in reply to nuttytartuk2003

well make sure you go in there with both barrels lol ,and plse tell me how you get on :)

dont be a fairy like me lol xx

electricjaws profile image

hi petal,what a laugh! i have had fibro for 12 years and i don't have any kids so does that mean i have no hope then?!!!

Lioslaith profile image

So I just have to kick out my children and I'm cured?!! Right?

Well I've had Fibro since my teens, 25 years now, boy I must've been a wild teenager if that's what causes Fibro.

I do however and one teensy weensy problem!

I don't have any kids, I do however live with my parents, so will kicking them out do the trick do you think ....

Not what you're looking for?

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