My eye lid and in side eye hurts so I have to rub it cause it hurts that much does any one else have that how do people come with pain and Wat meds are they on
Eyes: My eye lid and in side eye hurts... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Hi Dad24 , You may have an eye infection, best see your GP as soon as possible!
Eyes are so precious! maybe see doc or practice nurse? I have very dry eyes in and out but I know I might have Sjorgrens.. I use a cream called doublebase, its harmless and I can use it anywhere. I don't put it IN my eyes just rub in on upper and lower lids, I use it on my skin and on the end of a cotton bud just to whirl it on the outer orifice of my ears as they are dry and itch I also use it on my nasal passages-again on the outer orifices to keep them moist and stop drying and cracking-- Really mate just a shrivelled up old prune!!!
Well this probably isn't it but I figured I could at least share it just incase.
For several years I refused to wear my glasses. I felt my vision wasn't that bad and I hated dealing with them and couldn't get contacts to work right.
Anyways several years workout glasses later. My eyes were in pain. I thought I had cataracts or something. I went to the eye doctor. He told me that my eyes are muscles and basically I had stressed mine so much that basically they were cramping.
So after wearing my glasses for a couple months and the pain gradually went away.
So they could be tired maybe.
I have the same Dad24 ~ my personal experience is that it 'may' be caused by any number of factors. e.g., eyestrain; lack of sleep; an allergy to yet another staple foodstuff (this time I think all things Dairy may be the cause, simply because I don't have the problem when I have avoided butter in my diet, but when I have eaten butter, I tend to get itchy/sore eyes with little crystal like forms of a discharge which disappears again when I don't eat Dairy. But I've developed a lot of food allergies over 28 years.
However, as Caz-54 suggests, best to have anything that concerns you checked out by the medical profession at one level or another.
Hi there
Our eyes are very precious and it is possible to spread an infection from one eye to the other by rubbing them.
It may be a good idea for you to go and see your local Pharmacist and ask their opinion.
Pharmacists are highly trained and so they will be able to advise you what best to do.
Wishing you less pain and more peace
Lu x
This is so very true Bluemermaid-I recall a coupe of years ago I had an eye infection and sleeping made the "puss" run from one eye into the other,believe it or not I got it wearing contact lenses, it was called an adenovirus-very nasty!
Hi Dad24
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I have pasted you a link below to our mother site, FMA UK which hosts loads of useful Fibro information:
I am so genuinely sorry to read that your eyes are becoming such an issues for you, and I agree completely with your other respondents as it would be best to talk to your doctor about this just in case you have an infection.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Wonder if you have 'Dry Eye'? Try Gel Tears (My GP prescribes them, probably available any pharmacy.) Horrible. Feels like grit in the eyes, cant not rub, makes it worse, Eyesight becomes blurred. Worse when tired/1st and especially last thing. Good luck.