I wrote to W Wragg my local M.P about PIP and ESA claimants and how we are treated at each claim. He is very sympathetic and has forwarded to current DWP minister at Parliament..There have been so many changes there lately I don,t know who,s desk it ended up on!
I griped about sending sicknotes to a centre in a pre paid envelope to be told AFTER a month of ESA didn,t arrive, this "centre" is a sorting office in Wolverhampton where our sick/fit notes go, it arrives in sack loads daily! It is stamped and scanned up to the relevant assessment officer, BUT if its weekend followed by a bank holiday there ends up a hugh backlog-no good for us who follow the system and do as we are asked, I even sent mine in registered and was told after I assured DWP my letter had arrived, "No good doing that its the postman who signs for all the mail before he leaves his sorting office otherwise he,d be there all day waiting for mail to be acknowledged" what a waste of money!! I get the bit between my teeth at these issues and so I have made royal mail aware of this "system"
If I get anything from 2The Big House" in London I will let you all know