this to me now just seems like a complete farce, every time I contact them they have a different excuse or set of problems,
started back in about march when I got a phone call saying that I had to fill out an esa 50 questionnaire to see if I was entitled to change over from income support to esa, filled this in to the best of my capabilities, sent back well; before the time limit, never heard a thing then till a letter dropped through the door at the end of july saying I had to go for an assessment with ATOS healthcare professional in middle of august, went for the assessment didn't hear a thing then till middle of November despite being told 4 weeks at the most, only to be told then that I had insufficient grounds for esa my I/s was stopped at the end of November 2 weeks after the phone call, had there reasoning come through and its effectively all lies that have been told about me, they have taken nothing I have done and said into consideration and instead lied about pretty much everything!, did the mandatory review thing after consulting my GP, they phoned me for more info after 2 weeks, again no change, decided to appeal for tribunal because of the state of my health, told that I can start claiming esa at the appeal or assessment rate, but had to send a sicknote or medical certificate in, did this at the beginning of January, had It sent back to me saying I wasn't on the system, and to claim statutory sick pay I had to give it to my employer or contact the job centre for info on esa, spoke to them again on the phone, got told that I had to visit local job centre for appointment to re open claim and to take the sick note and appeal letter with me for them to fax across and get the claim re-opened, did this Monday morning within an hour I had a phonecall to say I couldn't claim anything until I got a sick not that was from when claim ended on 28th November to when my note was issued on 24th December, again they never stated this at the time or It could have been done, I have taken my backdated sick note in to job centre this morning and again within a an hour or so I have had 3 missed calls from dwp, still waiting for them to get back to me with what will almost certainly be more excuses, im sick and tired of it now, I know there job is to get people back to work and to do it as quickly and forcefully as they can but this is ridiculous and un fair to say the least,
anyone else been through this recently and can offer any advice and help it would be really appreciated,