Oh no what have I done ! .: Oh no Iv... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Oh no what have I done ! .

stargirl47 profile image
22 Replies

Oh no Iv well and truly done it now , i went in to work early this morning it was a little bit of overtime we get paid for two hours but we are only usually there for about twenty five to thirty minutes yaaaaaaa good old job and knock .... But because iv been having hardly any sleep I had the bright idea to go back to

go back to my bed and as usual I lay there staring st the ceiling at about half ten I thought this is a waste of time ..... then abracadabra its quarter passed two I woke with my legs paining me and my brain with the fogg clearing thinking oh my days what have you done nooooooooooooooo now tonight another six hours staring at the ceiling and thinking no not again I NEED SLEEP. Im laughing now but watch this space im sure tonight I will once again be crawling the walls . Wishing you all a painfree weekend xx

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stargirl47 profile image
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22 Replies
Sorebones profile image

I used to hate that! I haven't had sleepless nights since I started taking amitriptylene. Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to, but any problems with grogginess etc is worth it for me. Since I've been getting a nights sleep my symptoms have improved. Not sure if it's the amitrypteline helping the nerves or the fact that I get restorative sleep. Could be both lol.

It's such a shame that so many people can't tolerate it. But as is the case with Fibro, what works well for one can make things much worse for another.

Who knows, maybe the sleep fairy will visit you tonight. My fingers are crossed 🐸

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Sorebones

Thanks sorebones I to have been prescribed amitriptyline 10 mg one a night but after reading the side affects they are still in the un opened box in my medicine draw . To scared to try them !! I sometimes think im rattling when im walking as I already take that many tablets wishing you pain free days and sleep filled nights xx

Sorebones profile image
Sorebones in reply to stargirl47

Try them! I really have no problems with taking them. I take 100mg! The only problem I have had to get used to is a mild hangover type feeling if I have to get up early. But that has gone over time. I take mine at 8pm. If you have to be up early you could try taking it at about 6pm. It will mean that by 9pm your eyelids will be closed.

I certainly don't want you to feel pressured into taking any drug, so forgive me if it's coming across that way. It does take about six weeks for your body to get used to it. It just strikes me that if you have been prescribed it then you will never know if it helps you if you don't try it. It's not one you can dip in and out of though. So you either give it a go or not at all.

That's one of the things about Fibro treatment. Nothing works immediately. I know that I would rather be on amitriptylene and it help me than go onto oramorph for pain. It's all swings and roundabouts I'm afraid. Whatever you decide I wish you all the best. 🐸

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Sorebones

Thanks sorebones and it not coming across as pressure at all im on this forum for help advice and friendship with people who know exactly what we are going through because people who dont have fibro can sympathise but will never fully understand it unless the experience it first hand and god forbid they ever have to .Thanks for your advice I may give them ago but I wont start till next weekend as I dont have to go out then so any adverse effects will be behind closed doors lol but if they give me a bit more relief than I get already then they will be worth it thanks again and wishing you a pain free day and a sleep filled night xx :-)

KarenWW profile image
KarenWW in reply to stargirl47

I just wanted to say snap to sorebones. I'm on 20mg amitriptyline and it really helps sleep also joint pain. I had no side effects and it helped v.quickly for me. It tookaway a lot of the joint pain too. I only take codeine &paracet occasionally to help when pain bad cause amitriptyline worked so well. My husband has just been prescribed 10mg to help with sleep problems and it helped him immediately , no side effects. Hope you resolve issue soon.

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to KarenWW

Hi karenww thank you I think I am gonna give them a go next weekend when im off work hopefully they will work good for me to thanks again and a pain free day is wished for you :-) xx

Crusee profile image

You're not the only one.

I am awake half the night then as a result I am having a nap in the day.I often fall asleep on the settee in the evening and then come bedtime-PING!!

Eyes wide awake and I am craving to go to sleep.Then of course the same old cycle starts again the next day.Nap on the couch and can't sleep in bed.Often feel like I am in a night shift.

Hope you manage to fit in a few ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz's tonight.



stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Crusee

Thanks crusee sleep deprivation is horrible and so many of us suffer from it .And sometimes when your tired I think it makes the other symptoms effect us more . So here is hoping us all a good and pain free nights sleep if not im sure I will be on line moaning about it again so sorry for that :-) xx here's to a pain free weekend to us all xx

Crusee profile image
Crusee in reply to stargirl47

Let's hope so..........



Hartleyhare2 profile image

Sometimes the sleep issue out ways pain issues for me and tiredness makes it difficult to cope with things. I go two or three days without sleep then crash. Or sometimes I want to sleep around the clock. There is no rhyme or reason too it. I have a sleeping tablet called Ambien, which I believe fairly strong, but I have become tolerant to and it has no effect.

The thing that saves me from going mad is listening to chill out music through ear pieces which you can wear and sleep. So I don't have to change music I listen to radio via iPad. There is a world of stations out there that play nature sounds, tranquil noises and music but I like 181fm chill which is mainly slow depressing pop ballards! Lol if it helps....

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Hartleyhare2

Thanks hartlyhare2 itscanother thing I can put on my try list wishing you a much needed night of sleep x

Ahh, it's so easy to do. It's a vicious circle. I do hope though that you do sleep tonight.

Take care and best wishes 🌺

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to

Thanks fibropop as usual im still wide awake but I am living in hope lol a pain free sleep to you xx

in reply to stargirl47

Thank you 😴 Fingers crossed, night 😊

TheAuthor profile image

I am so gneuinely sorry to read that my friend, here is a minions lullaby and I sincerely hope that this helps you! :) :) Failing that the Amitriptyline usually works?


stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to TheAuthor

Thank you ken I love the minions that really made me smile , I dont know if it would make me sleep i would be to busy laughing at them but like you said hopefully the amitriptyline will do the trick :-) :-) wishing you a pain free day xx

TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply to stargirl47

Please take care of yourself my friend x :)

Hayesider profile image

Hi Stargirl47, know only too well the loneliness of being awake all night, but sometimes we are our own worst enemy. No, it's not 'all in the mind', but the mind is partly involved. How many times have you said to yourself " I must get to sleep", which for the mind is an alarm bell.

My boss was worried about my sleepless nights, and suggested 'Nytol'. I checked with my Dr (GP managed for 8 years), and he agreed worth a try.. It won't work on those nights you tell yourself to go to sleep, but on some nights when you do sleep, it takes you to a deeper level of where the body can repair itself.

Last night just two hours between alarms to get meds onboard, after 3 hours crawling round my allotment on hands and knees in the fresh air. Don't take my word for it, go to the link below. My wonderful RheumyCon (Hon Senior Lecturer in RA) directed me to it. Now just finished third time through, so much to think about, including the sleep problem. Give it a go, and explore the site as well, really good use of time when cant sleep.


Not sleeping is not the end of the world, just something we need to learn to cope with. I'm 63yrs old and still normally working full time, and have a 100ft allotment. I took note of some of the guidance from Dr Clauw's about doing activities not exercise.

One blessing of not sleeping, is hearing the dawn chorus. Just think how many people miss this.

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Hayesider

Thanks will take a look :-) And oh yes the dawn chorus is lovely but sometimes It would be nice to just sleep through it lol . Wishing youa pain free day xx

Yvojoh profile image

Hi everyone I have been reading the replies with interest and just wanted to add that everyone is different. I take 150mg at night as well as 500mg Naproxen and 2 co-cohydramol, for the first 7-8 days I would say it worked and I got a good nights sleep but now I up most of the night, its just not fair and it is very lonely as you creep about the house trying not to waken anyone,

stargirl47 profile image
stargirl47 in reply to Yvojoh

I stay in bed when im awake you often find me on here posting or looking to see if any one else is awake and on line I am gonna give it a go no harm in trying . So if you cant sleep maybe jump on the forum see if any of us night owls are up .

Wishing you a pain free day and a sleep filled night :-) xx

Hayesider profile image

Hi all,

Can't find where to turn the 'Hidden' off !

I have already posted on here earlier, but have been following since, to see what others have to say. I am on 75mg Amiltriptyline at night to help sleep, can't say they do and can't say they don't. But what I have learnt is, everyday is different, and each one of us is different. Wow, rocket science on Healthunlocked.com !

But seriously, we can be our own worst enemy. How many times have you said to yourself 'I must get some sleep tonight ...blah blah', only to stay there wide awake till the alarm tells you to get up ! Imagine what it's like for those of us who get up around 5am, having gone to bed around 10pm.

Telling your inner self you must get some sleep, is the worst thing to do, as the inner self then looks for all the things that could keep you awake, and then tells you about them, hence sleepless night.

Sometimes background music can help, fragrances on the pillow, a warm drink, a book, chocolate biscuits, the list is endless. But each of us needs to find that solution. Yes, I know, sounds like scientist telling you all to buy this product to garauntee 'sleep'.

How about 63yr old Civil Servant still working full time, managing team of 10 with all their own medical problems.

I have no magic answer, be worth £millions if I did, just comfort, understanding, similar experience, and hope, that tonight, I get some sleep (but not telling myself I need some).

Hayesider X

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