hi i claim dla and carers allowance for my two boys with autism and was wondering if anyone can tell me if i can claim dla for my self to i already applied for pip once and was turned down my husband now works part time to help me with jobs around the house ect and to help with the boys sometimes challenging behavour THANKS CLAIRE
DLA ENTITLEMENT: hi i claim dla and... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

DLA is ending for people who were born after 8 April 1948 and are 16 or over. Did you get help when claimed for PIP, I am presuming that you were turned down after going through an assessment. Did you ask for a mandatory reconsideration and go to appeal or did you just call it quits when you were turned down? Has you condition got worse since you applied?
If you don't think you gave yourself the best chance of getting PIP by filling in the form yourself or having an unsympathetic assessor or your condition has worsened it would certainly be worth you applying for PIP again but do get help. If you can't get help near where you live have a word with Janet the FMAUK's Benefit Advisor a link is given to the right of your screen. Good luck with whatever you decide to do and I hope you are successful.x
I'm in the US so can't really help you as I don't know the laws of UK.I do wish you the very best. Please take care of yourself.Peck🐤
Hi claire789
As rosewine says, DLA is now ending for new claimants but there is no reason why you cannot submit another claim for PIP and ascertain some professional help with filling in the forms? I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Claire
As Rosewine said, you can't put in a claim for DLA as PIP is the replacement benefit.
I have 3 boys, 1 of which has Autism and I receive DLA and carers allowance for him, 1 boy is ok and the 3rd one definitely has PDA which is on the Autistic Spectrum but I've not put in a claim for him. I receive PIP now for myself as I have Fibromyalgia, IBS and Hyper mobility Syndrome. So yes you can put in a PIP claim for yourself.
PIP isn't means tested so your claim will not be affected by your husband working. I did my form myself but I strongly advise asking Money Advise Unit or someone similar, to help fill out your PIP application. Don't worry that you've applied before, just apply again and read upon how to fill the form in, or get an advisor to help.
Really feel for you because it is totally exhausting having FM and trying to look after children, let alone children with Autism and all the SEN stress that goes with it. I'm absolutely frazzled and nearly at breaking point myself, made worse by being a single parent I think 😢.
Hope it goes well, Claire x
I have 1 child with autism too and the other has sensory processing disorder and possible asd too, which is hard enough, let alone us as parents having chronic conditions too. I'm not bad enough currently to get awarded any benefits but I hope you can get some finance help. It sounds like you're all having a tough time.
Friars xx