Fibro Fog ):: Hey everyone (: I was... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Fibro Fog ):

Whelp529 profile image
10 Replies

Hey everyone (: I was just wondering if anyone else with fibro has there main big symptom of foggy head :/ my biggest problems are foggy head, headache and extreme fatigue): anyone there with me? If so how do you manage:/

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Whelp529 profile image
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10 Replies
Treewade profile image

I'm wi u the pains not nice but we live with it but the brain fog is scary not remembering basic things etc don't like the fog at all xxxx

Whelp529 profile image

My fog is so bad. It makes me think I'm so out of it. I can remember things so far back in my life but forgot things I did 5 mins ago. ):

wallflower_fairy profile image

Struggling with this at the moment too. I agree. It's just so frightening. I'm hoping it's just a bad patch - where I've been particularly stressed and haven't slept well. That never helps.

How do I manage now that's a difficult question. I suppose I just try to keep calm. And write everything important down in my little notebook, which never leaves my handbag. I always make sure I keep my handbag in the same place in the house so I never lose it.

Whelp529 profile image
Whelp529 in reply to wallflower_fairy

Sorry you're going thru it too ): are you on any meds for your fibro?

wallflower_fairy profile image
wallflower_fairy in reply to Whelp529

Thankyou. Currently no. But I'm trying to find ways of getting extra support to help me manage it. (My anxiety is really bad and counts for a high proportion of my Fibromyalgia symptoms, so I feel like I need to reduce this as much as possible before I try medication on what's left of it. Trouble is, Fibromyalgia in it's own right is causing me a lot of anxiety and worry at the moment - particularly regarding the fog. Regards to medication I also worry about side effects etc. - it's something I'd rather avoid for now.) But it's hard. I've been to see the GP a few times but I can't get a follow up appointment until I think it was the 26th (where I'm supposed to be discussing PIP with them) - because they have such a shortage of doctors. The GP I saw on Friday is going to look into support groups for me and get back in touch with me. I hope they do soon. Because I just feel so alone. I've tried talking to my friends in the past and I realised they haven't been able to cope (many are dealing with issues of their own) and this doesn't make me feel any better. So I can't do that anymore - I only tell them on a need to know basis. But I need more support.

This anxiety is draining the life of me. I'm only 21 and I'm sick of feeling so anxious and worked up all the time - it's getting to the point where I just feel numb, dead. And I'm sick of trying to manage such distressing symptoms. I'm just desperate to feel normal.

I don't think I've been taking very good care of myself at the moment. I need to get myself out of this sleep cycle, exercise more, and eat a healthy diet. When I'm able to do all of that, I can get close to feeling normal, and function almost like a normal person. But it's hard to break out of these habits when I'm under so much stress. (When I'm not stressed I can do all of this without even thinking about it.)

I go back to uni in September, having taken a year out - after studying for 2 years with almost no support. And I'm fighting to get everything I'm entitled to for when I go back. It's a slow process, and this is a time filled with uncertainty. There's also a few things bringing me down in my personal life which I won't talk about here. I'm desperately hoping there's a light at the end of this tunnel. And I just have to struggle through for just a little bit longer before things become clearer and it gets easier again. But right now I feel terrible.

Whelp529 profile image
Whelp529 in reply to wallflower_fairy

I understand you completely :/ for the past almost year I haven't been feeling well at all. My doctor had a hard time figuring it out. I was put on so many different meds and have had so many bad reactions that I'm terrified to take the medicine they just gave me a week ago. I haven't taken it because I'm terrified of the side effects and then if it doesn't work the withdrawal. I don't want to go thru that again. This fibro is making me feel like I'm going to die :/ I know that sounds dumb but I'm scared. The foggy head and just feeling like completely crap all the time is saddening. They gave me Alazopram for my anxiety but only told me to take it when it's really bad but it's there but again I'm scared to take it. At times I just get so down because I just want to feel better again. I don't remember what it's like to feel normal. :/ although I'm a little bit older than you I'm 26, it sucks because I have a 3 year old that counts on me :/

Kayleigh_91 profile image
Kayleigh_91 in reply to wallflower_fairy

Sorry to hear you're having such a hard time! I feel your pain massively! I was 18 when I was diagnosed and I felt like my hole world came crashing down . I too had to drop out of uni after 2 years with no help as my headaches , pain and dizzyness was just too out of control . I couldnt return as haven't had any medical support or advise until just last month (I tried so many times , no joy :/ ) If I got too stressed or anxious I used to get really bad heart palpitations and then I would have a panic attack and black out , sometimes for a good 3-4 minutes and I was always so scared to be on my own or leave the house (which of course made it worse) and it happens for ages too! I tried to talk to friends too and they don't seem to get it or want to sometimes. I can't tell you it will go away and you'll be free from it forever but I can promise you you will get more of a hold on it, there is a little light at the end of the tunnel and you are definitely not alone! I'm 24 now and have been doing this 7 year on my own until I stumbled upon this absolutely amazing forum filled with incredible people who are just like me and you and there support and care is remarkable!

This may sound really corny , but a really good step for me was learning to own it and accept this is me , and it stopped my panic attacks from being so often as 20-30 per day (from anything ) to maybe a handful per year , sometimes more depending on certain personal factors etc. Yeh it sucks big time I can go a week+ with out sleeping , I can't do any of the physical activities I used to love and I'm so tired far too much of the time i can sometimes barely conduct a sentence. My body's so painful I can barely brush my hair or stand still without falling but hey , at least I have all four limbs to wobble on and a moderately functioning body! You have to look for any positive no matter how big or small and try to remember although you can't cure it , you can learn to cope with it and listen to your body when you know you need rest.

Perhaps some beta blockers could help you get a hold of the anxiety and some breathing exercises. Take it one thing at a time , try to maintain your biggest 'problem' rather than them all at once. We all get out bad days , our completely horrendous days but we do all get out good days and we should all remember that! If ever you feel alone and down or just need to rant get yourself on here and let us listen :)

We all love our little fibro warrior family and we all go through very similar things too so can totally relate.

I hope things start to ease off for you hunny , I have everything thing crossed for you .

Sending gentle hugs and support your way :) xx

Sean2375 profile image

I feel for you Whelp529

I hate the pain but just try and live with it. The fog I find a bit upsetting especially mid conversation when i lose my train of thought.


Whelp529 profile image
Whelp529 in reply to Sean2375

Same :/ the pain isn't too bad for me it's just the fog that sucks

TheAuthor profile image

Hi Whelp529

I am so genuinely sorry to read that you are suffering and struggling in this way, and I sincerely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues. I find that headaches and fatigue are my biggest Fibro blights, and I have not found a way to rid myself of the fatigue (not yet). I take a drug called ''Sumatriptan'' for my Migraines and this works really well for me.

I have pasted an excerpt from *The American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association below relating to Fatigue, Memory & Concentration, and Chronic Headaches:

*Fatigue - This symptom can be one of the most incapacitating for people with fibromyalgia. Patients may feel as though their arms and legs are weighted down by concrete blocks and their bodies may be so drained of energy that every task is an effort.

*Memory and Concentration - Difficulty concentrating and retaining new information may seriously interfere with everyday mental tasks. This symptom is referred to as "fibro fog" and may hinder job opportunities. In particular, fibromyalgia patients have serious difficulty retaining new information if they are distracted.

*Chronic Headaches - Recurrent migraine or tension headaches are experienced by 50 to 70 percent of fibromyalgia patients. Most headaches are rated as severe, occur at least two times per week, and often have a migraine component. Referred pain from myofascial trigger points in the shoulder, neck, and head muscles are suspected to be responsible for most tension-type headache and also play a role in migraines.

Link: *The American Fibromyalgia Syndrome Association

it may be worthwhile discussing your Fibro problems with your GP just to have other medical conditions ruled out of the equation. I want to genuinely wish you all the best of luck, and please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you


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