I have my esa tribunal in 4 weeks time and I'm really nervous what kind of proof can you take with you I have health problem and I get stressed out really easily if you could help I would really appreciate it.
Esa tribunal : I have my esa tribunal... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Esa tribunal

A letter from your GP or consultant. Blood tests results. A copy of your prescription. A list of things you can no longer do or find difficult. An in depth letter from your GP may cost twenty pounds. If you have a carer a letter from them. Any letters from employers. A record of any falls or bad days you've had, photos of any cuts bruises or grazes. If your doing alternative healing such as gentle movement or exercise, tai chi, accupunture , mindfulness etc.
What you cannot do on your own based on your WORST day and need help with.
They on the opposite will be looking at what you can do down to the tiniest thing. Message me if you would like help filling it in or there are proffesional organisations that charge a small fee for a years membership and you get a years back up and advise!
Make sure you photocopy or print of a working copy fist. So you final draft will be neat easy to read, correct and concise.
Best of luck, do a bit a day to break it down, you will cope.
I'm not familiar with UK info but I wish you the very best of luck.Hppe all goes in your favor!! Best wishes.Peck🌻
Hi Shahanara123
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.
I think that Hartleyhare2 has given you some wonderful advice on this front, so I will simply give you the link to the FMA UK benefits adviser who may have some more information for you: fmauk.org/contactsmenu/help...
You can either phone or email, and her name is Janet. I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck. Please take care of yourself.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Others have given you some wonderful advice. Two questions my husband was asked were had he missed any important family occasions because of his illness and had he been on holiday that year and zi can understand how this could throw someone. My husband went absolutely blank on the first one but fortunately the judge was compassionate and could see I was bursting to say something and shaking my head so he asked me if there was anything I would like to say and I could say he has missed his uncles funeral which I think tipped the balance in his favour.
I am presuming you asked for your written assessment as you need to go through it with a fine tooth comb to see if any errors had been made. In my husbands the assessor had concentrated more on the physical aspects rather than the mental which was causing his absence from work. She had also recorded his medication incorrectly even though she had been given one of his green and white repeat prescription forms. When we pointed these things out and a few more it put doubt in the panels mind whether she had in fact done a fair assessment.
Good luck let us know how you get on.😀
Yes thank you it took two visits to the Tribunal as the first one decided they could not come to any conclusions without further medical evidence but we won at the second attempt. He too has Epilepsy but fortunately the episodes are well controlled now which wasn't always the case as he had to go three years without being able to drive as they could not get the medication right.
Fingers crossed for you and do let us know how you are and what the result is.x😀