Hi all i have just recieved my appeal decision and it has now been passed to the tribunals service as the dwp wouldnt overturn the atos medical decision.
I sent in 3 full sets of copies of hospital letters from the rheuamatologist (dating from 2006 upto present) which the dwp accidentally/on purpose never recieved (load of codswollop i always posted it recorded and needing a signature, on all 3 occasions it was signed for!!!)
Now my lovely friends & mobile hairdresser are writing frank letters about just how much help i need from them, yes i may look clean, tidy and shaved but its my wonderful friends that help me!!!!
Also resending hospital letters and my daughters daycare is sending a letter on how she was given a funded place at 2yrs old because she is classed as a disadvantaged child due to my illnesses and the fact i cant do a lot of the things a parent should be doing to wear out/teach/play with an active toddler.
can anyone else think of anything i need to send? i rang the cab but they are that backed up with these appeals, claims etc that they have been unable to offer assisstance
I just wish that they'd realise that i would give anything to go back to the job i used to do. i was an assistant complex manager on a lovely little well known holiday park and had just been offered a promotion when i realised i could no longer do my job. anyone that thinks it is my choice not to work wants a slap round the head with a wet kipper!!! i cant imagine how anyone can make a comfortable life on benefits and feel fulfilled as well!!!
sorry if its a bit of an essay/rant but i'm just in that mood today. one of my lovely friends has come and taken my daughter with her family to feed the ducks just so i can relax a little. i would love to be the one to take her but in the middle of a relapse and feel like its an enormous task just making a drink!!!