morning all, does anyone else suffer from a burning sensation in the soles of their feet 👣? What with that, restless legs that are getting worse and now pains in both arms at night I cannot seem to be able to get out of bed in the morning as so so tired 😫! Have tried amiltryptaline but no good ( not sure if I've spelt that right), now on Gabapentin, 300mg at night, but they don't work, where do I go now?
General pain...: morning all, does... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
General pain...

Hi Nipper. I take Ropinerol for RLS and treat burning feet as i would a real burn. Stick them in a bowl of cold water and keep wriggling them about. works for me.
Have you had blood tests to rule out RA? Many symptoms cross over with various complsints so you may need a different type of pain relief, I would go back to your GP x
Yes get this,and calves and hands and it dies feel as though they are burnt. I put freeze gel on those areas and it dies help a bit.x
Oh my that pain!!! My pain dr had me get tested for diagnosed as plantar faciaitis.Im not a dr just my problem.Good tip for any foot problem good shoes!!! Good luck Peck👟👟
I also have plantar fascitis, was told to wear trainers when playing up, they seem to make it worse. Good luck 🍀
Hi nipper
I am so genuinely sorry to read this and I sincerely hope that you can find the answers that you are looking for. I can see that you have been given some very good replies and it may be beneficial to discuss how you are feeling with your doctor. It could be that you have a separate medical condition to your Fibro or that you need a combination of medicines? I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I have Restless Leg Syndrome which used to drive me nuts! I am now on 5mg of Diazipam twice a day and that with some leg stretches has made a great improvement.
thanks for the tip. I have tried menthol foot patches that my daughter got through her work she works on a medical magazine they do help sometimes. I have to take 2x 500mg of solpodol every night too some nights I sleep 💤.
god bless
Hi Nipper,
My paresthesis & FM pain has been greatly reduced since I started taking dessicated thyroid, & upping my intake of magnesium, D3 & B12.
Your post took me back 30 yrs,yes I remember the burning well, and then the arms and then hands arms going numb,wondering what the heck is this and no one having a clue,ra bloods coming back as normal, keeping me on ibruphrfen until it burned my voice box,and eventually being diagnosed with psyaratic arthritis,but it did take years, don't do what I did, go and find out,I was so busy being a working mum,worrying about everyone else, and not myself,treat yourself first to some decent proper footwear leather,with a nice cushion sole,nothing that is going to draw your feet,and best of luck.