PIP tribunal.: I have been going... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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PIP tribunal.

lrain profile image
54 Replies

I have been going through the PIP forms now since August refused September and they took my vehicle back at the end of October as I moved from high rate mobility to standard PIP. I got refused again from PIP so welfare rights took my case and we took it to tribunal £30 for a letter off my doctor, a letter off my C.E.R.T.S nurse and I have been awarded Enhanced rate again. So my new car gets delivered, 1st week of November. I do suffer, with anxiety and depression because I live with my husband and two girls I have been able to keep going it makes my heart ache knowing that someone may be going through what I have just gone through without support. If you are reading this and are going through what I have been through I wish you all the luck in the world x

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lrain profile image
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54 Replies
lrain profile image

Sorry I can't amend the top but I have rushed ahead so it makes no sense. They took my vehicle back at the end of September. as I moved from hight rate mobility.

Fibrofoggiest profile image

I'm so pleased that you eventually had a good outcome from your claim, however I do understand how debilitating the process is and the stress causes no end of problems. I'm really happy that you will have your car back fairly soon, and also you have no need to apologise for anything, we all understand that fibro effects our communication skills, at least it certainly does for me 😳😳

It is so nice to share your positive experience and doing so in the hope that it will help others, it has certainly helped me as I know my claim is about to be reassessed, so thank you hugely 😀😀

Foggy x

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toFibrofoggiest

Thanks, Fibrofoggiest,

I appreciate your understanding means a lot and the knowledge that I am not alone with my fibrofog is good ... I am not going daft lol.

Good luck with your assessment. :)

TheAuthor profile image

I am genuinely delighted that your wrong has been righted and that you have got your high rate back and will be having a new car. I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck for the future.

All my hopes and dreams for you


lrain profile image
lrain in reply toTheAuthor

Thank you so much Ken,

You have been a tower of strength for me with you support

Thank you so much


TheAuthor profile image
TheAuthor in reply tolrain

Thank you, that is such a lovely thing to say. It is why we are here to try and help in some small way x

Zorago365 profile image

well done on the result. sometimes I wonder, when the people sitting in their offices and making these decisions, do they ever think about how the lives of the 'clients' are affected. there are so many who just give up, which I guess is the objective.

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toZorago365

That's what is upsetting, I had a breakdown last year and the vehicle was a way of getting me out to do classes rather that become a prisoner in my own home. I guess there are many who are now trapped at home. Real shame. Thank you for your support x

Lorraine :)

Gailj profile image

I'm so pleased you got the Mobility component back, it's appalling that we have to plead like this and justify ourselves.

I say hats off to you for persevering

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toGailj

Thank you so much Gailj for you support :)

scorpiolady22 profile image

It's good to know that the right decision was reached. Just a shame they couldn't get it right first time..Glad you fought for what you deserved. X

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toscorpiolady22

I agree, Scorpiolady22, and thank you for your support :)

1954jac profile image

Well done you for not giving in these people have no idea what we go through on a daily basis going through the same at the moment with my husband waiting for his tribunal he was on DLA for years awarded just 8 points for Pip but we will carry on with the fight so wrong what decent people have to do xx

lrain profile image
lrain in reply to1954jac

I couldn't agree with you more 1854jac, the stress alone is bad enough but they don't realise that for some it's your only way to get around. They did the same with me DLA high to 8points pip because I answered I could walk 2min which in their book is 20 to 50 mtrs. I had to get a letter from my doctor to prove otherwise. Keep fighting I will be thinking of you xx

bren876 profile image

I'm so happy for you xx

lrain profile image
lrain in reply tobren876

Thank you :)

Mdaisy profile image

Thank You for posting your Good News, pleased you got the outcome you deserve :)

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toMdaisy

Thank you very much Mdaisy :)

andmikel profile image

The system is corrupt from the top and designed to wear down all those who haven't the energy, health or wit to fight. Well done for perseverance. It shouldn't be necessary. The Beaurocracy costs more than they save anyway. Civil service hegemony leading stupid politicians by the nose. Makes me angry too.

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toandmikel

Hit the nail on the head andmikel, and believe me, a couple of times I wanted to throw in the towel but because I had support, I continued. They have people over a barrel as they rule with fear, stopping money and taking away vehicle's that are people's lifelines.

Thank for your support :)

rosie-2015 profile image

Congratulations I'm glad they gave you the right result in the end gentle hugs Rosie xx

lrain profile image
lrain in reply torosie-2015

Thanks very much Rosie and gentle hugs back to you lol xx :)

Laxx profile image

hello there 1st of all well done hun its not right they really have it all wrong the tribrunal its self it horrible and very emotional both phsically and mentally its been 5 days and im still trying to get right i really am with you i dont wont to go through that again but ive read when you renewel its just like applying the 1st time boo

ive just won my tribunal appeal i get enhanced daily and standard mobility cos apparently i can walk 50 metres but no more then 200 but i need help going to the toilrt and getting dressed ect but im happy the dwp gave me zero points how long did you wait for the dwp to let you know there not going to appeal ?

nice to meet u take care x

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toLaxx

Thanks laxx1980, I heard within two weeks. They said the same I can walk further than I really can this was the reason for my doctors letter. They have no clue. If you don't hear phone the DWP they will tell you what you need to know.

Lorraine :)

Newquay profile image

So pleased for you glad you appealed . It's about time someone got what they deserve .why do we have to fight for what we have worked for.

I am going through it right now and awaiting reply from a reconsideration . What happen at the tribunal then, what did they ask and do you know why they changed it.

Do you have another medical ?

Any advice would be good.

I also put a compliant in to Atoso the day after the assessment about how I was treaded, they came to my house last week and interviewed me.

I don't think any thing will be done while that's going on.

Con grats G

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toNewquay

With your reconsideration, they want more evidence from you if you have it or usually it comes back unchanged. So then you go tribunal, I had Welfare rights argue my case. There was myself, welfare rights and a member from DWP and we had to face a Judge and two other people one was disabled to be fair I don't remember who or what the other was about didn't really say much. They wanted medical evidence to support my case while DWP had nothing but my assessment. It was over pretty quick. But I still didn't know right away I had to wait. Hope this gives you an overview.

Thanks for your support

Lorraine :)

Newquay profile image
Newquay in reply tolrain

Thank you so much for that.

There's loads of evidence to support my Claim but the guy from ATSO said they don't get that.

I have told them there is operation scans and X-ray for them to look at but I haven't got them and wouldn't know how to.

Will just have to wait and see what happens now.


lrain profile image
lrain in reply toNewquay

Do you have welfare rights or mindfulness near you, they can advise you and also accompany you to the hearing, they did with me, I was so nervous that I found it hard to find my word and my adviser help me through so much. Make sure you have everything as my husbands mother didn't go to tribunal it was accepted through her doctors letter alone.

Lorraine :)

Newquay profile image
Newquay in reply tolrain

Thank you yes I have rung them and spoke to them.

They have told my to get back intouch when I hear back from my reconsideration .

In hospital just now yet again.

Thanks .


Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toNewquay

Hi Newquay if it helps I have just made a post on how and what I did in my pip assessment ,I posted about an hour ago ,it's a locked post so know one out side group can read it by foggy pic of the day ,good luck 👍

Newquay profile image
Newquay in reply toShadows-walker

Hi just can't find it. I am in hospital yet once again. Had to have another anagram .

Not well not happy I will look for it later on but thanks anyway.

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toNewquay

So sorry you so unwell ,please take care ,


Chris x

jackie4ball profile image

So glad you got your higher rate back it seems there are so many people losing it when they are genuine and others that get it but are just milking the system because they know exactly what to do and say. Enjoy your new car when you get it.


lrain profile image
lrain in reply tojackie4ball

Thank you Jackie4ball, i know what you mean.

Thanks for the support. Lorraine:)

Shadows-walker profile image

It's tough isn't it ,but this is positive, glad you got your car back , I think I am going to apply for a car after Xmas I need the cash at moment to buy a chair . But after that I can sell my manual car clear my credit card ,and have mobility car ,I also want a little light weight shopping Scooter to go in back of car as it would mean I could go out a bit more .


lrain profile image
lrain in reply toShadows-walker

It's been really tough Chris with lots of tear, but onward now, trying to be more positive now. Looks like you have everything in order :) keep being positive.

Thanks for your support Lorraine :)

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply tolrain

My advocate been on phone today ,told me it's rare to get full pip and unheard of round here to get 5 years at one go , I think somebody upstairs thinks they made a mistake last year with me !

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toShadows-walker

I got three years, not heard of five, but this may be due to the back log they are making for themselves lol in 5 years they may have caught up..

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply tolrain

Maybe still in shock, I have done another post to help newbies if you want to add anything it would be good , going to keep experience on file and repost as required or requested help to others , 😊

Laxx profile image

i know its Irain post but the only adives i can give is EVIDENCE and more get letters from anyone and everyone you know... you only have one med assesment which is enough but they full of ########

the tribunal its self is mad the docter is the one that asks most of the Q i really dont think anyone can go through that if there liars they will catch them out big time

its a hard going but honestly i think thats what the system needs to catch the bad folk out its a shame its us ill folk that suffer but then im getting use to it by now very sad..

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toLaxx

The doctor didn't really ask me much, to be fair I didn't remember what he was, I was so upset and nervous I remember the judge and a disabled lady and I had welfare rights with me who helped support me through. You sound like you had it much harder than I Laxx1980. Im sorry you have to go through this like I have and seem to have had a much harder experience than I xx sending you hugs xxx

xshazx66 profile image

So happy for you, I have pip assessment soon and due to stress of it not sleeping, my daughter has made appt at dr's so I'm going to ask for letter to give them xx

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toxshazx66

Be warned my doctor charged £30 for my letter, robbery.. But it did work out ok in the end. Good luck.

Lorraine. :)

ally26 profile image

I am how long does it take to go through the paper work to them .and from you to hear anything

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toally26

I don't believe they have a set time Ally26 I got my forms and July beginning of August and October I heard I had won. so around 6-8 weeks. :)

Annita profile image

I'm so pleased you have what you deserve. It's shocking though really. You'll be glad that's over x

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toAnnita

Truly am, I can now breath again lol

Thank you for your support :)

WHYADUCK2 profile image


took me two years and I had to go to court, went from ZERO points to 15 POINTS for one question. ATOS is just a hit squad if the government need money; check there expenses £200 for dinner when at parliament which is 1 £1000 a week and £12000 a year(per MP); yet they cut my £25 and oh yes decorating parliament dinning area i.e bars; 6 million a year or around £60,000 a WEEK on dinner and drink - not bad !!!!

And don't forget this is a time for austerity; an MP on £67,060 (increased to £74,000 for mp this year -not nurses ) needs that free dinner and wine - RANT RANT RANT ( freezing this winter ,one meal a day and ,no hope of a job- YIPPPPPEEEEE)

lrain profile image
lrain in reply toWHYADUCK2

Thanks, Whyaduck2,

Glad you also fought for what was right, and I completely agree with your rant and many more people will too. Good luck this winter i hate the thought of anyone feeling cold and hungry Do you live in the north at all...?

Lorraine :)

WHYADUCK2 profile image
WHYADUCK2 in reply tolrain

sorry about the late reply - I have a short term memory which is just a bit of a pain. 30 years of this and i am getting a ittle ranty. ( I live in the Grimsb - yeah that grimsby ) ALL THEBEST

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toWHYADUCK2

Your not ranting your speaking the truth !

lrain profile image

Thanks Ben,

I don't want to fill any surveys out I would rather answer any questions people ask me. thanks anyway.


Dianne51 profile image

Hi there, I'm glad you have you will have a car again soon. It makes me want to keep on fighting my case, I was on Enhanched until August this year. They reduced me to standard and have taken my car. The Benefits advice are helping me to appeal. I'm waiting for the appeal date now. But looking to have a bad Christmas. Do you have any tips for me.

Shadows-walker profile image
Shadows-walker in reply toDianne51

Check my post I just did by foggy so pic of the day it might help .good luck

Chris 😊

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