I had been on no pain meds for a week and a half on Friday night coz came off them so we could find out if new DMARD was working yet. Found out Friday night that it obviously isn't lol!!!
Had a huge flare that was so painful it affected my breathing. So I called 111 to get an OOH doc to come out and give me some morphine as I had no spare anywhere. Lady on 111 says your breathing's bad I'm sending an ambulance, so off to A&E.The ambulance guys were brilliant gave me gas and air to stop the pain. A&E quite different Laid in a cubicle for 3 hours in agony before a doc came in asking how I was. I said same as when I came in. He said what about the 5 mg IV morphine I gave you. I said what morphine? Apparently the nurse who was supposed to give it to me got distracted and forgot. For that I have no problem because they're bloody busy and things are bound to get forgotten. I was checked over sent home by taxi and told to see the OOH doctor Saturday morning. What an a**hole
He shouted at me for not keeping spare medication at home. Then wouldn't prescribe me anything at all. Just gave me a letter referring me to the A&E registrar. Well after a lot of waiting I got to see a very nice doctor Sophie papodopolous. She said she was going to complain about the OOH GP
Dr sloping shoulders who basically did nothing but refer anything above a cold to A&E. (I would have loved to have given him a slap rude arrogant b*^%^*d) but then came the double trouble. I found out I'm not fighting 1 illness but 2. My aching and tiredness and lack of energy or anything muscular and joint-wise were to do with the auto immune disorder. The real bad pains on my hands and feet were peripheral neuropathy. Probably caused by years on steroids. So I was given gabapentil for the neuropathy and sent home about 5 on saturday evening with gabapentil but no morphine of any sort. And morphine is unfortunately the only thing that stops the pain and I've got to wait all of Sunday with so much pain I was going to spend the day in bed but no, I'm not going to keep on letting it win. Even if it is only watching music DVDs at least it's what I WANT TO DO not what the illness lets me. Seeing an old school friend on Tuesday and she's taking me horse riding so the bloody ache better have gone by then. I'll try and get some pics to put on here.