Need to get this off my chest as the stress has made my fibro flare up like you wouldn't believe! I had an appointment to have a cardiac stress test ( with a rest test done in a few days) when I made the appointment I was hoping they would say it would be done in Brighton ( where I live) but no, it was to be done in haywards Heath at 9.30 so I get up this morning at the crack of dawn got ready, nothing to eat and a few sips of water, got the two busses I needed to get (I don't drive) and 2 hours later I was there with 10 mins to spare but very achy. I gave the nurse the appointment letter and she said "no this appointment is for Brighton we don't do stress tests today" !!!!!!!!!!! I pointed out the lady I spoke to on the phone definitely said the princess royal that's why I wrote it down! Came back home to make another appointment meaning I will have to use more annual leave from work! I feel totally drained and ache like you wouldn't believe - got to get up at 5.30 for work in the morning ( woe is me) thank you for listening I feel better for getting it off my chest.
What a day!: Need to get this off my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
What a day!

Hi Gilford!
Wow! I am glad you were able to express your frustration!
I would also be very frustrated in your shoes today.
We had a thread started earlier today about some of the obstructions to health care and had touched upon poor communication and/or misinformation. You have to trust the person telling you the location of your appointment truly knows the location.
Sorry you had to go through this today.
Tomorrow is a new day, thankfully!
Sleep in peace.
Thanks crazy horse I just hope the pains have eased by the morning as I'm on a 9 hour shift! You are right the misinformation can really cause a lot of harm as I found out today!
I'd say, complain AND ask for a refund of your train far AND the loss of wages! I think it's a disgrace the way you were treated!
This is all down to a lack of communication, I have learned through a similar experience to question everything, you don't know if your coming or going with appointments, mine often get cancelled the day before, sometimes on the day. I hope all this gets resolved for you soon. Lou xx
I am so sorry to hear you have had such a frustrating day I can imagine how you felt after having to get up so early and miss a day at work and with having to do without food as well, I have had experiences like this and I always ask for an appointment to be put into writing for me now. I hope that you get a new appointment soon and have good results from it.x
How frustrating! I hope you sleep well and do okay at work tomorrow.
I am so sorry to read that and I genuinely hope that tomorrow is a better day for you.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hi Gilford,
You should be allowed to take health appointments without taking annual leave. Have a word with your hr. X
{{{{{{{ gilford }}}}}}
Soft comforting fluffies to help you relax and wind down and a cuppa too with your fave biccies.
I am not surprised that it stressed you out, the energy that we use for these things is so precious.
Take care and hope it goes right for you next time
xxx sian
Thank you for your support guys! I won't be caught out like that again! Lol x