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Sorry not been on for a while

michphil profile image
21 Replies

Hi, I am sorry I have not been on for awhile but I have had a lot going on. You see I found a lump last November only very very small, had mammogram came back clear. The lump carried on growing until in June my daughter made me go to the gp's. I have been diagnosed with breast cancer in left breast, and it has gone up into my armpit so I am a lucky girl having 6 doses of intensive chemo, then surgery, then radiotherapy. I have started to lose my hair now. Next month I am 50 and my family were taking me away as a surprise but I am unable to go because I am finding this treatment really hard, I did not want to dissapoint my kids but they are trying to change it for when I am better. Hope they can the travel company are being awkward about it. I feel so angry because in the space between novevember an now this lump has grown to 3.5 inches plus under my arm. It would not be so bad if they apologised. My consultant is fuming that they said I was clear when I wasn't. i just hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.

By The way it is sooooo gooooood to be back xxxxx

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michphil profile image
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21 Replies
mattoid-mags profile image

Hi michphil, that is shocking, I am very sorry that this has happened to you. I hope & pray that you will be told that you are in remission soon so you can have a good holiday with your loved ones and can get on with the rest of your life. I'm 52, had my 1st mammogram early this year, they said everything was clear.... How are we supposed to trust these people when they are making such huge mistakes and playing with people's lives?? Absolutely shameful!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, take good care, Mags x💗

TheAuthor profile image

I am so genuinely and sincerely sorry to read of this, and my heart and thoughts go out to you and your family. I genuinely and sincerely hope that you will be told very soon that you are in remission. Please take care of yourself.

All my hopes and dreams for you

Ken x

clare_hart profile image

Wow, that is terrible that it was not diagnosed!

But, the good news is that it can be treated and lots of women do go into remission. Both my mother and grandmother did. My little sister also had to have treatment (and that is no fun) and she's been in remission ever since. I think that's going on 5 years or more now.

I hope you get through the hard treatment portion. It helps to have support from your family, and that they want to wait for you to get better, then they can surprise you, lol.

And bollocks to the travel agency. They'd better understand. Morons.

determined56 profile image

De ja vu ...I had a lump which was not examined !! At 30yrs old & 2 yrs mmy ried put down as neurotic

Only by being transferred to a London hospital did I get surgery radiotherapy & chemo

That was 27 years ago and with a son 26 yrs old

Sadly his dad & my soulmate died when my son was 8yrs old.

My lymph glands & bone in spine partly effected.

It was 6mths of hell until treated .your trust and faith goes out the window and would refuse treatment there for anything

However now have a fabulous endocrinologist/neurosurgeon at the same place.

Think nice thoughts get involved in fundraising do what ever makes you happy.

Mum has just gone through a gruelling chemo/radiotherapy for Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma large B cell.

At 82 still can't keep up with her ! Now on her ,4 or is 5 holiday thisyear !!??

Lots of hugs to you

PS MacMillan nurses fantastic & check out Grove Hotel Durley Chine Bournemouth (special people stay with VIP staff treatment)

karran12 profile image

Hi That is absolutely terrible. I agree you should carry on and enjoy your family, that is important to you.

My daughter in law found a lump too, she has had two lots of chemotherapy. She decided to cut her own hair before she lost it. She is 35 years. However, before she had her first session of chemotherapy she found out she was pregnant. They say it will be ok, but it is still a worry. Her baby will have to be arrive a month early, before she is allowed her radiotherapy.

What is more sad is she is distance from myself and my family, which makes this harder.

Karen xxx

Merrrm profile image

Thus is awful. I think hugs from all of us are the order if the day.

Travel agent should be ashamed. ...maybe name and shame?

So sorry you're having to deal with this but you sound positive..cross ..but positive.


Peace2014 profile image

Sending you hugs and positive vibes. So pleased that your daughter made you go back and see the GP. No wonder your consultant was fuming. If you get no joy with the travel company speek to CAB.

To a speedy recovery.

So sorry to read what you have had to go through. Chemo can be gruelling! I was with my mum for every one of her chemo sessions and the smell in the room alone was terrible. You sound very positive and that is a great way forward :)

I hope you get to remission stage soon and can have that well deserved holiday :)

katy198 profile image

Sending you lots of love hope all goes well for you and you feel better very soon.

Mogi52 profile image

Hi michphil, so sorry to read your story, and think that you have been let down , that must make you so angry and disappointed. I hope all your treatment goes well and sounds like you have an amazing family around you, sending you love and hugs xxxxx

dawnlancaster profile image

Bless you im thinking of you. Ihope all does ok hugs to you x

Velda profile image

My daughter has had exactly the same happen to her. She is 50 in February 2016. She was diagnosed with breast cancer 18 months ago and had a mastectomy with 8 sessions of chemo, 18 sessions of Herceptin and has to take Tamoxifen for the next 3½ years. She lost her hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc., but I wish you could see her now. Such hope for the future, it's unbelievable. It was gruelling treatment and she took a year off work. She started back to work in January this year but she has come out of the dark tunnel and is so full of life. Her hair was always thin and wispy and slightly wavy. It has come back so thick and so curly she doesn't look like the same person. It has also grown back a different colour which she likes and it is so thick that she keeps having to go and have it thinned out at the hairdressers. I hope with all my heart this will be you in a few months' time. Take heart - stay positive - I would love to hear in a few months time how you are coping.

Love - Velda

achydunlin profile image

I'm so sorry to read this and also shocked that you got such a late diagnosis after the mis-diagnosis. It's a good job you went back. I hope you soon start to feel better. Hang in there x

Matrix profile image

Oh my dear how awful for you and thank goodness you seem to be ok , your daughter was right to make you go to the doctors , but really I feel you have been let down badly . What if someone had no one to insist and take the Drs word that it's ok , it's just not good enough and your consultant is right to be angry . I wish you joy, peace and total health and recovery 😇

rosewine profile image

Welcome back. I wish that your absence could have been for a better reason. I could imagine your anger at the misdiagnosis and pleased that your daughter pushed you into going back to GP. Hopefully all this treatment although grueling will work. My niece who is only in her 30's with two little girls had to undergo a double masectomy and was told she would ahve no more children. Went to hospital for appt to arrange to have womb and ovaries removed and was told they could not do op. as she was pregnant. She is in labour and we are awaiting news of our new little niece so these things can have happy endings.

Please do let us know how you are progressing as we will all be sending you positive vibes. Hope you can rearrange the holiday so you all can have a lovely rest after all of this, Soft hugs coming your way.x

LaurieLee profile image

Hi, so sorry about your diagnosis. I truly hope that you beat this horrible disease. Not sure if you use Twitter, I don't, but if you know anyone who does, if they TWEET your problem with TRAVEL COMPANY, naming them, this could possibly help them change there terrible attitude. It has helped people before when shamed on Twitter, because it really effects there sales and no company wants that. BIG HUGS and you are in my thoughts. GOOD LUCK.



fenbadger profile image

1 like others, I'm appalled that it was missed.

2 you've a lot to go through so don't feel guilty at all. The others have a duty to be thoughtful. I say this from the experience of a friend who had similar treatments. Chemotherapy, surgery and radio therapy. It knocks the stuffing out of you. However there are good days so grab them when they come and try to exclude the unhelpful from your calculations. It's not that they're not worth it, You're important enough to override their concerns and have enough on to need to prioritise.

Lots of hugs

KrissyB profile image

So sorry to hear what you have been through. My mum has been having chemo after a tumour was found and removed from her lung, possibly caused by exposure to asbestos. Fortunately it was spotted very early and the general prognosis is good. I was a travel agent until last year when the firm went bust, and I always felt for people who had to rearrange or cancel trips through illness. As the middleman (or woman!) between the tour company and the holidaymaker it often felt like a mission to get the tour company to be sympathetic, especially if I got a jobsworth who just told me to refer to the terms and conditions in the brochure!

Crackers1 profile image

I am so very sorry to hear of the o virus negligence and hope you make a speedy complete recovery

lilian68 profile image

so sorry to hear about the apaling negligence and delay in your diagnosis hope you make a speedy and complete recovery best wishes.x

Lesley61 profile image

Feel for you that's so sad and bad this as happened to you hope you can get away with your family and the hospital at last say sorry to you I know sorry will help you you xx

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