Hi All, hope you are all as well as you can be today...
I've been swithering about making this post and how to go about it for a while now. Having taken some advice from admin I'm going to go ahead and share.
I was diagnosed in February after years of suffering with horrendous fatigue and joint/muscle pain. Since October, I've been taking a fantastic nutritional supplement and I don't exaggerate when I say it's changed my life. I no longer take my antidepressants and the only pain relief I am taking is 500 mg of naproxen on the 2 days a week I work. I am so full of energy, never nap and my bowel problems are practically non existent! I also feel I have far better concentration...something I have really lacked!
The reason I was conflicted is that I now promote this product. I didn't want to lose the support of the community by 'selling stuff'! However, the reason I wanted to promote it in the first place was to help people. I would just really love to hear that it has helped people in a similar situation. I also have a 2 yr old and 9 month old and honestly never thought I would feel 'normal' again. I'm just coping so much better with life than I have done in years!
If you would like more information, please private message me. I am happy to provide a link where you can reach out to another promoter in order that I am not personally benefiting from sharing this with you xx
G x