I had to give up work last year due to CFS and Fibro, plus I have an underactive thyroid (though that seems to be ok at mo). I just seem to be getting more and more probs (dental probs,I possibly have a b12 deficiency etc). I have been on ESA and have had to appeal against them sending me back to work, I have now got a letter asking me to attend tribunal to fight my case. It suggests bringing a representative..any ideas on who I should take or who could help?, my local CAB are useless! I am tired of having to justify myself. I could say no to going and just let them decide but it implies that you are more likely to get your appeal if you attend.
Not been on for a while but need advi... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Not been on for a while but need advice on esa appeal

Hi, I went to a tribunal for ESA last year. I assumed that I would be accompanied by someone from the CAB only to be told the day before no. I took a friend with me and I've heard it said that it is more in your favour if you attend. I found them to be human and my scoring went from zero points to 15 points and beyond. They asked my friend one question. I probably have another Tribunal coming up as my ESA is now under Appeal. I think I'll be trying to find a Welfare Rights Officer next time - Good Luck with finding someone suitable.
I've heard that you have a better chance of winning if your representative is from either CAB or Welfare Rights, but that's not to say you won't win if you can't get one of them to go with you. Cases that go to tribunals have at lease a 40% chance of winning when you attend them.
Hi, thanks for both your answers. It does say more likely to win if you attend, although I want to be there I am not keen on driving there, the nearest one to me is a 30-45 minute drive each way but will go so I can have my say. Hopefully my sister will come with me but I don't have much faith in my local cab office. Maybe I will have to look into a welfare rights officer x
I have the same problem as they transferred our tribunals to another town, hopefully my Brother will take me as I cannot drive that far. He took me to my last one so he is my god luck charm too lol. I have the support of my local CAB, however, since the move they are unable to attend the tribunals as they would be out of the office for too long. I won last time round so fingers crossed x
Hi, thanks Lynn, hopefully I will win too, good luck with yours as well x
Hi, I'm new here but I've just had my ESA tribunal today and won, went from 0 points to 21 points. Try to take someone with you as they ask how you traveled there (if you drove you can use your feet and legs).It's an informal meeting with a judge and doctor who asks you certain questions about what you put on your form
Hi, thanks, that is reassuring, hopefully will get a lift as I don't like driving too far anymore. I also got 0 points but don't feel that gave a true picture of how I am plus I have had more things develop since then. Glad to hear you got on well x