Got my appointment to see rheumatologist 5th nov do you think I should start a pain diary as I will prob go blank once I get there xx
Hospital appointment : Got my... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hospital appointment

Yes definately as I know to my cost that I can plan the answer to questions I think they will ask and plan what I want to ask and then walk in and go blankety blank, walk out and down the corridor it will all come flooding back. It will show you if there is any pattern to what is happening to you as well so will be revealing on all counts.
If you do it from the moment you wake and chart your activities and how they affect you and what meds you took and what worked or didn;t it should give them a good picture. I would also take a little notebook and write down the main things they say as they are notorious usually for not wanting to write anything down and it is so easy to forget what has been said. If it is at all possible I would try to take someone with you as i know if I have gone in with my OH he has often thought the specialist has said one thing when according to my notes he has said something else entirely as OH's nerves had got the better off him.
Do let us know how you get on, fingers crossed for you.x
YES, start a daily diary, Meds you are takings, how you feel, what you did that day and pain level 1-10. Also include where most of pain is, trigger points, energy level. All will help doc !
Thank you I will start tomorrow xx
As our friends have said, write everything down, even If you think It's not important at the time, It may be. Good luck xxx
Oh yes! As the others have said, and I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with your appointment.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Having seen one I would suggest that you do. I would also take someone with you to remember for you the things that he/she asks and the replies that they give. I know from experience that I have gone and forgotten everything that they say to me therefore cant repeat it to my GP who seems not to be given an update.
Good luck and I hope he or she is a good one.