Morning everyone just need to let off a bit of steam!! Not sleeping even though the doctor upped my tablets,now my mouth feels so was my daughter's 29th birthday yesterday so went down to see her with cake but was in so much pain, today my granddaughter has a leaving assembly,as she is going to secondary school September,she is singing in it and she wants me to go.she doesn't have a dad and me and my husband have been involved very much with her growing up. But I am so tired and pains in leg and wrists and shoulders if I take my tramadol it makes me a bit spaced out,and I wouldn't make it there. I really have to go as she is only 11 and over the last 4 years while I was battling cancer she would sit with me on the bed waching dvds, told me when I lost my long hair that I was still the same Nan
She has watched me through losing boob,and been an angel and got me through it she was one of the things I kept fighting I have to go.she thinks I am better now I'm just feel I've run out of fight!!!