I thought swimming is supposed to help fibro, after I've been I can hardly walk my feet hurt and my legs feel really heavy as for the rest of me it feels like I've been run over by a bus.
Swimming: I thought swimming is... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

The first time I went swimming I was in agony for a couple of days afterwards.
It does get better if you keep it up. Take it slowly.
I also discovered total immersion swimming. It's a very gentle form of swimming , not loads of movement and splashing around! It takes a while to get your head around it but really worth giving it a go.
Other swimmers may get a little annoyed with you because you go so slowly, especially if you are lane swimming, but don't worry about them. You are swimming for YOU.
Just take it slowly, swimming is the only time I feel completely weightless and I love it. Now I leave feeling great and energised.
I swim first thing in the morning
Hope this is of some help.
Kate x
I always feel like a lead weight when I get out of the pool, I mainly go for a little gentle swim just to keep ticking over. xx
Do you use a warm pool or the local swimming pool. our local pool is too cold for me and then I ache

I use the local pool and it is quite cold, all helps to keep my mobility, lately when I have a flare I don't seem to get back what I had so I try everything I can. xx
Last time I went swimming, it was in the sea which to be fair is around the same temperature as the local pool, and I ended up shaking so much my hubby started to get worried. I couldn't keep my hands still at all and then the ache started an that was me for the rest of the day. Has put me off a bit. My Aunt has told me swimming helps her but it has to be a heated pool or she reacts the same way I do. So it made me wonder am I just odd
form an orderly queue for all answers to that one

I'm sure I would immediately expire if I went swimming in the sea, no I don't think you are odd at all but you have left yourself open to the opinion of others xxx
Haven't I just
So really I just need to convince our local swimming pool to heat it up a bit, and I think I know what the answer would be
The kiddies pool is a lot warmer but you can't swim in it as it has all the apparatus for the wee ones, slides and such. Plus I think I might be just over their age limit
I like a swim but I get really harassed getting ready to go in and with the palava getting out and dried. It puts me right off. I'm overweight and get embarrassed too.
It feels good when in the water if it's warm. After I get out I am sore for a few days. I don't have a chance to go every day. I wish I did maybe I could get use to it.
Thank-you everyone for your feedback. I shall try to keep it up once a week to see if it helps. The only trouble in is my local pool is cold.
I am so genuinely sorry to read that and I sincerely hope that you feel better soon.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Have you seen a physio? They can refer you for hydrotherapy......gentle exercise in a really warm pool! Perfect!
You're going for a swim to keep your muscles moving. You're not training to cross the channel. Keep it gentle and try to enjoy it. It's not a penance. Swimming should be great for us as it's non weight bearing
I love being in the pool if it's very warm, but I only feel a bit better then. Once I get out and am dressing, my pains and aches return. I still love swimming but it's making no difference to my overall fibro. Sorry......Hx