Hello I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia nearly 2 years ago I've been put on some heavy pain medication but it never worked now I've been put taken off all pain medication and I suffer with depression anxiety can't sleep all I've got is my antideppression medication.
Hello I'm new on hear and I'm not on ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hello I'm new on hear and I'm not on any pain medication

Hi Lowe1604 welcome to our wonderful forum ☺ I'm sure you will come to find the forum invaluable in chatting to others who are going through the same experience as you, talking to others at different stages of their lives with Fibro and learning from their experiences.
It does help with the whole process and I wish I had found the site years ago. I have had Fibro for nearly 30 yrs and I'm still learning about it, like we all are.
I'm sorry you have not found any pain relief and it is the case for some people, I myself take a lot of strong pain relief but it still breaks through sometimes when it's almost unbearable and the rest of the time it keeps it at bay but still niggling like a body tooth ache.
There are other things your gp can do though and there are also therapies like massage, gentle excersizes, hydrotherapy, accuppuncture, all of this can be assessed via a pain clinic which your gp can refer you to.
How long have you been taking the antidepressants ? Maybe these could be increased ! Your gp must be able to offer you some help.
A lot of the members use distraction, colouring therapy or crafts and we come and chat on the forum, so you have come to the right place.
Please do go look at the mother site where you will find all the information you need and lots of useful links on Fibro and I look forward to chatting to you on the forum.
Peace, luv n light
Jan xx
Hello Lowe- from memory many newly diagnosed fibro sufferers are put on amitriptyline to help with sleep and they seem to help with some pain, however they are not for everyone. If you are ok with opiates then ask your g.p to try you on Co Codamol which can be increased by g.p if they don't just hit the spot. You will probably be asked to stay on amitrip too, its just a process with us all until we find a managebale medicine, also ask about hydro, physio and acupuncture its not down to pills to help relieve the suffering- good luck.
Hi lowe1604
Hello and welcome to our lovely friendly forum.
I see you already met our lovely janet28. We are all here to support you.
The forum users are great and very supportive.
Good luck on your journey.
Hello and a warm welcome to our friendly fibro forum where you can find help, support, advice and understanding, along with a giggle or two to lighten the day.
Experiencing fibro pain and not be able to take something to relieve it must be very hard for you. I can understand if you found you were on high doses of opiates which needed to be reduced but it seems cruel not to give you any pain meds at all.
Would another doctor in the practice be more sympathetic to your needs? Failing that, there is always over the counter meds from the pharmacy.
Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.
Has the doctors not offered you anything mild to let u get a good night's sleep if not I would be going back all the time until they listen to your problem with sleeping other wise you could possibly try they therapy books that are for colouring in I buy them for my daughter she has adhd and anger issues they work brilliantly for her she is 17 they help her relax and keep calm she takes them everywhere we go I'm sure you get them in poundland if your in the uk
Hi Lowe1604
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance.
I am so genuinely sorry to read of how you are suffering and struggling my friend, and I would make your doctor aware of how you are feeling and ask if you are suitable for any of the alternative medications.
I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck and please take care of yourself my friend.
All my hopes and dreams for you