Hi everyone,
I have purchased a vibrating plate to excercise .as I don't walk much now.Does anyone have one? Does it help? I went on it for the first time last nite for 3 whole minutes wow ! Weird.! I'm a bit scared of it.!
Hi everyone,
I have purchased a vibrating plate to excercise .as I don't walk much now.Does anyone have one? Does it help? I went on it for the first time last nite for 3 whole minutes wow ! Weird.! I'm a bit scared of it.!
I have one, I bought it before my diagnoses and have used it since with no ill effects. I don't use it for any longer than 10 minutes at a time and to be fair I haven't used it at all the last year as it was packed away. Will be going back to it though
There is no point in just standing on it though, you do have to do a routine of some sort but it is good. There is an exercise that involves sitting on it which can jar the teeth so remember to keep your jaw relaxed and it then exercises the arms. I hope you find this of some use
Thanks tiredalot,love your name it would suit me too! I will take your advice and let you know how I get on x
Thanks, I have had a few people say the same about the name
please do, I miss mine as I can at least say I am trying to do more exercise The first time I used it my daughter laughed at me, I think it was because more wobbled than I would of liked
it is now referred to as the wobbler in our house
said daughter gets married in a few weeks time so I will have space to bring my wobbler to our temporary home. Let the wobble commence
Lol x
I have a friend who has one and swears by it - she claims it got her weight off in quite a short amount of time as she works long hours and doesn't have time to exercise. I had a go on it and felt dizzy - but I do have balance problems! Hope it works for you!
I've heard lots of very positive reports about these. Someone came to talk about them at the support group I attend. The people I know that have used them have said that they're good and it has helped them tone up.
Good luck with yours, hope you find it useful and it gets easier for you to use. Look forward to reading how you get on with it. Xx
I do not have anything like this but I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck with yours.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I have one . Havent used it for ages, (must get back on it) It was recomended to help with my circulation, a tip I found useful start on very slow speed for a min or 2 then when you feel you can take more gradually build up speed & time gradually. Have fun & gently hugs xx
I am selling mine, as I cannot sit down on it at all now (just get really dizzy) and standing up is not much better. It it literally gathering cobwebs, so I have got it advertised locally, along with the rebounder (same problem - doctor has banned me from it) and lots of accessories (if anyone is in SW Wales and would like it). Ali x
I have fibromyalgia for 6 years and this helps me and I use it every day for more than 15 min per day and I am very thankful that it helps me. Some days ago I came across deliciasexshoponline.com.br/ and bought something from there. I made a surprise for my man and he loved what I did. Now we spent some money every month for different sex toys which helps us to maintain the focus in our relationship.