Hi just a stupid question . But seeing as I have been told I am for for work what happens if I don't claim job seekers other than I won't have an income ? ... To be fair I don't see why I should have to claim it considering I am not able for work just now ! Any advice would be helpful xx ...... Big hugs. X
Question re ESA: Hi just a stupid... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Question re ESA
if you've sick note and arnt fit for work well then you do claim esa. didn't quite understand your post sorry
I had an Atos meeting and they said I was for for work even tho my doctor says I not fit for work the Atos decision outweighs the doctor .. So I'm unsure what to do .... Big hugs xx

oh I be been on sick since November and just had to accept I can't do my job I'm only 49 I wanted to go back but from a health and safety aspect wasn't possible they said,, I anted to try I am I'm receipt of standard pip and standard mobility ,, an just awaiting to hear about esa. I've sent pink form back x
all the stress involved. you'd think
we choose to be this way on all these meds ect ,, I just want to be able to work but with my pain I can't do job which I've done all my life cook I was working alone in a kitchen nursery x
I don't know what I'm doing . My memory terrible all the time and it takes me all my strength to get through the day ... I will definitely need to phone for pip and the welfare people tomorrow ... Today .. Thanks z
Hi, When were you deemed fit for work? And, did you ask for a reconsideration or did you appeal and lose it? If so, can you reapply again with a new condition or maybe your condition has gotten worse, instead of claiming JSA? X
I have asked for a mandatory reconsideration and awaiting news .. So should I apply for jsa although I feel I'm contradicting myself if I claim jsa .... Big hugs x

Ah that's a difficult one. It used to be that you couldn't but they are now stating that it won't affect you in anyway. I would, if I were you, get onto CAB right away and ask them for their advice. Sorry I don't know what else to suggest. X
Thanks everyone xx
Hi Audh im afraid the whole process of claiming esa is absolutely distressing and exhausting but I would say you can ask for an appeal. This will reinstate your money and claim , this will also give you time to gather evidence from your doctor ( a letter ). Also have you any conditions that would make it difficult for you to reach the expectations of an employer. My heart goes out to you at this time. Me personally worked until I couldn't even keep my one hour job, which was a little cleaning number,, in the end I couldn't even manage the rota of procedures in my mind if you know what I mean. I do wish you well with lots of soft gentle hugs xx
Hi I have cleaning jobs, working self employed. I have taken painkillers this morning and my occupational therapist has made me a thumb/wrist support which is great to ware. It still hurts my joints to do my job, but it does not matter if I move about or sit down I am still in pain. Also my memory is hopeless too so another job where I have to think too much would be out of the question. I live alone so need every penny as many others will.
Karen xxx
From what I understand you put in a claim for ESA and the assessment said that you had no or not enough points so they deemed you fit for work? If that is the case then as been said reconsideration is the next step. If you lost your job then you are entitled to claim JSA you can still apply for the ESA on income or contribution as long as you have 24 months of NI payments, with either claim if you have a doctors fit note (no more than 3 months) saying that you are unable to work you do not have to attend an interview. However I think DWP can ask their Doctor to assess this and it can override your GP.
Good luck
I would go to my MP and ask them to intervene. If they write and ask for an explanation they have to receive an answer. Atos have a funny way of inventing new medical advice etc once an MP is involved. If you have a Labour MP you will get more help than a Tory one, but still try.
Hi Audh,
I'm in dispute with DWP at the moment, almost 1 year down the line, iwas on incapacity benefit since 2002 until May last year, in there wisdom deemed me unfit for year ahead but put me on ESA work related benefit, on 4th July 2014 I wrote requesting to be on ESA support after numerous phone calls & letters from me getting nowhere I went to welfare rights I am now getting somewhere albeit slowly, I got a text from DWP yesterday saying they are reviewing my whole claim from my 1st correspondence 4th July last year & I will be given a decision by 11th June fingers crossed it's a positive outcome. You should appeal the decision fit for work, they give you so much hassle so you give up trying DON'T GIVE UP xx
I had Similar problems with ESA but wrote to them asking to be put on EESA Support which meant I was no Longer fit for work due to being in so much pain on Crutches and using Opiate painkillers... Now I Don't have to look for work or Attend Interviews May be Worth you doing same Just send in a letter to DWP saying health issues medicines you take ETC and ask for a Review... Usually 92% of people with Health Issues are moved to support side. Hope it helps................ Have a Good Day.................
Hi nothing will happen you just wont have an income.
have you been through the appeals process as most people who do
get awarded it, i refused to claim jsa because i would be lying saying
im fit for work, i was without money for 9 weeks while i appealed , i won
my appeal in march and they had too backdate all my money.
so if you havent please get advice from your local CAB office and appeal
good luck
I have an appointment for jsa on Monday . I told them today on the phone that I don't see what job I could possibly do , but if it made them feel better me attending then I would . I lost tribunals 2 years ago and went through the phase of getting back to work and lasted 2 months and got signed off sick xx
Had 3 ATOS medicals , all said 0 points. If you claim JSA you will be owned by the government. Lost count of training courses I have attended. Also had to spend last winter picking up rubbish for 4 weeks in the roughest part of Manchester. My advice would be if you don't need the money don't claim.
If you are ill you are now a scrounger if you claim benefits. My job center has a woman who claims to have Fibro and she works. I get that thrown in my face a lot.
Not trying to be a sexist but if you have Fibro and you are a man its brushed off like its nothing.
I'm sorry to hear that you feel sexist because you are male with do to ... I wish you well .. Big hugs xx
Don't forget that if you are not claiming anything you won't get any National Insurance contributions and this may affect future claims and also your state pension entitlement to.
Hi I'm on ESA the contributions one , there are two , one for those who have contributed and the other for, well others. I have sent in sick note every three months for a year and a half and there are now wanting me to attend an interview, with a doctor, next Friday . It seems to me that my G.P and specialists opinion are not enough in the long term. People who attend interview and are deemed fit for work then go on job seekers allowance. For the likes of us it's pathetic, if I could go back to my £50,000 a year I would . Hope this helps x
I had my ESA appeal rejected and felt a fraud claiming jsa like you. I'm having to go through the process again..and we know the effect stress has on us. Good luck xx
Hi, I had the same problem last year. I was refused ESA after the mandatory review. ( They call you up and ask you further questions)
I was still refused so, I appealed. As soon as I got acknowledgment of appeal, I phoned up and asked to be paid ESA at the job seekers rate. You can't ask until you get the appeal letter back. x
Hello Audh & anyone facing JSA due to issues with being accessed as Fit for Work or are awaiting ESA Mandatory Reconsideration.
Please find the following post with a helpful form to declare your disabilities to hopefully avoid inappropriate sanctions and/or to make future employers aware of your needs regarding any reasonable adjustments,
You can download the ESA Campaign Resource Pack that has other helpful resources about Discrimination, Reasonable Adjustments plus templates you can use. One of which is the Ipswich template to declare your disabilities whether you are disabled and applying for JSA as a period of unemployment or whilst awaiting an ESA Mandatory Reconsideration decision.
Information about your rights, Work & Fibro can be found on our website here;
Please also know that anyone currently in the process of claiming ESA and/or PIP, we can provide you with step by step guides if you email us using info@fibroaction.org
Hope it helps
Best Wishes
FibroAction Administrator
will give it a try and see if it makes sense to me if not i will get my friend to help me out big hugs xx
Sorry to sound stupid what's esa & pip ... 4 year ago my specialist told me I had to cut down amouT of hrs I worked because I'm a hairdresser & I'm doing myself more injury... Filled forms working disability ( with the help from C.A.B) they turned me down then I appealed turned down then went to tribunal & was told I'm fit for full time employment so they said I'm not successful ... I don't get help so only money I get is from where I work...,,
I've been off work since end of Jan fell down stair .., & its triggered major flare up ...
Also had a few more fall where I split lip open had to hav maxi facial team to sow lip back together
Fell hit side off head black eye & side of face swollen - basically I'm covered in bruise -
Doctor said its cos I'm taking to many painkillers
Sorry for rumbling Sha x
Hi shazredz, esa is employment support alowance paid if uyou are unable to work through ill health and they believe you !! Pip is personal independence allowance paid wether working or not to people with disabilities, mobility problems, in need of personal care/extra help etc .It is awarded based on information supplied by you on your daily life and difficulties, letters from gp, specialists etc and again wether you are believed. I am sorry to hear about your falls, that is one of my problems and it can be dangerous, I would go to citizen advice or welfare office and get proper help in applying for pip, you sound as though you may fit the criteria. Good luck