Hi all, my first post.
60 years old, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 3 years ago. Since then I've had various MRI scans and neurology tests, just recently also diagnosed with Degenerative disc disease. I have also been affected by long term chronic depression.
My first claim for ESA was turned down, even after a request for mandatory reconsideration, and I didn't have the physical or mental energy to take it further even with help from local advisers.
I had to claim JSA but the disability advisers at the jobcentre were very supportive and the usual conditions for claiming were very relaxed. I did find a part time job but had to stop after a few weeks, I just couldn't manage it. The jobcentre told me I was allowed a 13 week extended sick period and still claim JSA after which I could decide how to proceed. After the 13 weeks I had no option but to make a second claim for ESA which was accepted, I had my second assessment yesterday.
So, after my ramble, the main reason for my post is this: Towards the end of the appointment the assessor suddenly said that the computer had frozen while she was typing my responses, she'd just go and check and she left the room for 5 minutes. It wasn't till afterwards that I realised that the self same thing had happened at a PIP assessment a couple of months ago at the same point during the interview. This was a different assessment office, different assessor.
Has this happened to anyone else? My cynical suspicious grumpy old self tells me that you are actually being watched to see how you behave while you think you're alone and unobserved.
But than again I could just be paranoid...
Take care folks !