a few times now I've had sharp nerve like straining in either a hand or a foot which has usually been on and off for a few days and during that time I've noticed a small round bruise forming on either the top of the foot or the back of the hand respectively. It is usually between where the bones run and is so pale its almost hard to convince anyone its actually a bruise and not just a slight skin discolouration.
Two days ago walking home from work for about half a street or so I had this sharp, nerve like pain in the joint between my foot and big toe on my left foot, which felt like someone had jammed several pins into it. I occasionally get pain in both toe joints which need manipulation to sort out, but this pain felt very different and, like I mentioned, resolved itself shortly after. I have not had this pain again since, but this morning I woke to find an inch long discolouration at the base of my left big toe which looks like a three or four day old bruise.
I was wondering if this is normal or something I should get checked out. Since its a Saturday and I won't be able to see my GP till the start of next week I figured it was better to find out if its something which would need further investigation before I speak to my GP about it. So can anyone tell me what's up?