Morning all
I am going to see an occupational therapist tomorrow. I have been told that I have early osteoarthritis. As you will probably know it is very painful. I struggled to get a bath this morning, and to put clothes on. It does make every day things harder. However, I also seem to suffer from anxiety. If I need to do something, rather than wait, I find myself doing them straight away. In away this helps me as I don't know how I am going to feel from day to day, to be able to cope with anything else. When I explained this to my doctor she replied -"so you are a perfectionist". However, I am far from that, but she did not understand.
To add to this last weekend I had my carpet cleaned professionally. It took a day to dry out, and now it has left a awful smell. This is upsetting me, as the smell lingers through the house. Stupid as it may seem I am now really worried over this.
Karen xxx