Anyone else received a random form/letter asking to sign that no changes to my circumstances? I wish 😢.
Seemed a bit strange... hand written envelope and the form was standardized without my name etc on.
Anyone else received a random form/letter asking to sign that no changes to my circumstances? I wish 😢.
Seemed a bit strange... hand written envelope and the form was standardized without my name etc on.
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Jump to repliesI suggest you get in touch with DWP before you sign anything this sounds too odd to be real form, never had anything hand written before. x
I agree with lou60 ring DWP and check it is them sending the form. Normally anything from them has your details on the letter along with ref numbers
There are a number of scams going round by some sick minded people. Not heard of this one before. Ring DWP. Never send anything anywhere with your details on. Does the letter have your NI number on it?
Pat x
Thank you for your replies.
The envelope was hand written, the form (literally a form, not letter format) is printed and then request to sign, write name and NI and date.
There is no referencing it. Think there is a contact number so going to play safe and ring there and local office too.
I wondered if anyone else has received the same, recently or in the past and why.
If it was legit they would know these details, call your local office only this all sounds really odd x
Yes good advice about not ringing the nos on that letter as they would definately have all your details already and always make reference to your N. I. nos. I used to be an advisor and there are so many scams out there often if you ring the nos you will be being sent through to a premium rate nos. Do check up with your local office on their official nos.x
I completely agree with the others and ring DWP first, always best to play safe.
Take care
Defo ring the proper DWP first it sounds dodgy! Let us know what they say?
Sounds dodgy. Agree with others to ring DWP.
Outcome..... area mass send out of forms. No real reason other than hoping to get some back into work mode (wish I could do that) .