hi i have fibromyalgia and im on dla highest mobility and lowest disability I get 317 a month which im struggling with using it on food and bils ive been told to try and claim for esa so any tips and ideas how to go about it and how to fill in the form just wish i knew about this 7 years ago thanks
esa: hi i have fibromyalgia and im on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

I was working when I was put on sea so can't advise you maybe do a search on Google to see how to make a claim hope this helps
Hello there
If you have a look at the pinned posts that are on the right of your screen you will see a post called Helpful Benefit Links & Contacts.
Click on that link and you will find lots of information that you should hopefully find very useful.
Also, you could make an appointment with your local CAB and they can run a benefits check for you. They will be able to tell you what benefits you are eligible for.
Wishing you wellness and peace
Lu xx
I believe ESA is considered after you have been on statutory sick pay for 6 months. But I wouldn't bet on it 🐸
hi laney,
as PainfulPixie suggested, this post is very helpful -
Sorry to hear about your troubles Laney, I've been there ! Had my previous Benefits cut from £800+/month (for over 10 years !) to H/R mobility & 0 Care !
This dropped me to @£400/mth. Apparently because I have "..a working Partner.."
I was advised by CAB to apply for ESA - Now, bearing in mind Rules&Regs are v.different here in North rn Ireland, even my CAB Advisor was speechless at my award of £7:14/Week ( I'll write that again:- Seven Pounds and Fourteen Pence per Week !) Now thst was truly a kicking while I was down, until my CAB person said, " That's OK ! Any Award is OK, because you can Apply for All the Benefits you couldn't get on Incap Ben !" And he was absolutely Right ! I don't pay for Prescriptions, Glasses, Dentist. I got a New boiler and Oil-fired Heating System installed for a few mugs of Tea and Biccies. I've a Application in, supported by my G.P.and Consultant and my Physio for a New Bed and Hoist and I am going to Apply for EVERY Single Thing I am entitled to.
I couldn't get anything on my previous Benefits and Paid for Everything, so even if you only get a few miserable quid, Get a Benefits Advisor to help you apply for Everything You can get - before the Tories take it all away !!
Best of Luck with Everything,
I am so genuinely sorry to read how you are struggling financially, and I sincerely hope that you can find another benefit that you are entitled too. I was wondering if you were entitled to income support? If you are on your own and only getting DLA then you should be?
I want to gneuinely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Hello laneyh11,,,,, the esa is a different monster to the pip and has it's own set of this and that,,,,it has two parts,,,,wrag,,,,work related group and the support group.
The work related group (I am in this one),,is designed to get you back into work,,,and you will have to attend some assessments,to see what things are,,I have done 2 of these at the local dwp offices,,,and had a couple of letters offering me help to look for work,,,,,which I ignore and put in the draw,,,,,,the support group is awarded when they have decided you are past being able to work,because of your conditions,,,,,
The money is a means tested benefit and is also a taxable benefit,,,were the dla pip is not,,,,,fill out the forms with all the same information as you did for the pip and supply all the contact details etc,,,,photocopy the completed forms,,and send them off,,,,then wait and see when the reply arrives,,,,,,but don't hold your breath,,,,,,
The money from esa,,is not on two levels there is only one and the amounts are based on if you are in the wrag or support groups,,,ttfn from Karen.
thanks karen will look in to it