Recently been left on own (husband of 20 years thinks grass is greener) and FM has got worse! I feel very inadequate as cannot do all my housework anymore and l cannot walk my two beautiful dogs, they need to be walked and l feel so low as l am unable! I do have 3 daughters but the eldest two have their own homes and busy lives to lead and the youngest is away at university, my husband has moved right away to Scotland, l live near Cambridge, so there is no way he will help with them. I do not want to lose them as they are my company and saviours'. I am also experiencing very bad memory loss, this is a worry to me, is it FM or something worse? I do worry as my grandfather had Alzheimer's and my aunt (dad's sister) has it now. Thank you for letting me rant on. X
Hi, this is the first time l have pos... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi, this is the first time l have posted on here, l am hoping that it is a British site as only seem to find American ones?

Hi Nipper, rant away
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry things are not going well for you at the moment and do hope they get better There are some on the site that have managed to get dog walkers to help them, would that be an option? I can understand you not wanting to lose them, they are your friends and family
If your memory loss is worse than normal then it would do no harm to mention it to your GP, it may alleviate your worries if nothing else
Ask your daughters for a little support, I know my girls would be annoyed if they thought I needed a little help but wouldn't ask, even if it was only once a week.
Someone will be around at some point to tell you the ins and outs of the forum
Hi nipper, we are a British site but have members joining us from all over.
Sorry you are struggling and know how you feel not walking your dogs. I have been walking dogs for forty years and have now had to give way to hubby. he has his own health problems and cant always take her. Luckily we have the laziest collie going and she is quite happy with a ride in the car.
I agree with Tiredalot it could be fibro most of us suffer from memory problems but get it checked.
I know that having tests to check memory is scary, I have just been through it. but best to know.
Someone else may be able to tell you how to find a good dog walker, I think that they need to be registered.
I am not surprised that you are having problems with your fibro with all the stress that you are going through. I know its hard but you need to stop being so hard on yourself and learn to Take things easier.
if you go onto our mother site you will find a lot of useful info. then you can come back onto the forum and join in or to ask questions, Or even have a rant.
This is the link to fiboaction
See you later sue x

Thank you for the link, will have a look. It does help a little to be able to sound off to like minded Fibro sufferers! X
We are having an imaginary mad hatters tea party further down. We use these virtual partys outings ect as distraction and a way to have a laugh. Pop in and see what we are up to even if you dont feel like joining in.
Sue xx
Welcome welcome yes we are British with wonderful connections all over the world - we dont say no to anyone as long as they are like us and suffering with fibro!.
This is a warm caring site of reasonably happy guys who are learning how to live with Fibro. I see someone has kinly [pointed you to our hilarious tea party just a bit of distraction, (we all need distraction from time to time.
Remember we are not professionals or medics just humble suffers like yourself. Do discuss any new elements with your Doctor.
Best wishes
Hi nipper
Welcome to the forum and it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. I genuinely hope that you find the forum useful, informative and loads of fun. I am so very sorry to read of your plight, and I genuinely hope that you can find some resolution and relief to these issues.
I would inform your GP or Medical Specialist of any new symptoms that you experience, as they my be able to offer you alternative medication to combat these? I want to sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Thank you all for being so kind, it is lovely to know that l do not have to suffer in silence anymore!
I experienced a very odd sensation this evening and wondered if any of you have experienced this, l had a burning sort of sensation in my nose then pain in my jaw this has left me with an odd feeling in my mouth around my back teeth, right side.
Perhaps it is old age (54).
Welcome indeed. We are UK and have a few transatlantic friends. Many a good tune is played on an old fiddle. There's loads of life left yet. I just pray you have the energy to do something with it. I assume you'll use a lot dealing with this fallout.
I haven't had that feeling in the jaw, but gather it's normal. I'm sure someone can help with their experience. (stress based given recent events?)
Yup, yoga. Progressive muscle relaxation (might help you sleep too if you have a problem with that). Movement (not training for a marathon) helps. I do a bit of gentle tai chi.
Please do have a look at the fun. It distracts one from difficulties and releases endorphins. There's a few nutcases around so take us as we are.
Welcome and lots of gentle hugs
Hi Nipper, do not worry, no way is 54 old age! Lots of us are older than that! Glad you have found the forum, we're all here to help each other as much as we can. Maybe your symptoms are Fibro, or just the increased stress you are dealing with. Tell your doctor of any new symptoms. I can recommend Yoga to help with the stress and some of the pain. Do hope you get the help you need. Best wishes MariLiz
my heart goes out to you. your circumstances extremely challenging. Could you please share with me the american sites you know of?
queen- of -bedlam