continuously falling asleep... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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continuously falling asleep...

soozy1984 profile image
11 Replies

So this is new... I mean I do have a 3 year old, work 16 hours still (reduced down gradually from 42 per week) and a house too look after etc... But I just cannot stay awake at all. If I'm sitting in the one place for any longer than 5-10 mins, even if Im doing something I just cannot keep my eyes open. My eyes just feel so heavy and I have to give in. I will doze off only for a few mins at a time but it is literally constant. Even at my desk at work when speaking to customers this will happen. It's frustrating and embarrassing.

Ive had such a bad time with my FM recently, been signed off work and facing disciplinary for it (my union rep isa going mental!). I am just totally overwhelmed with tiredness and exhaustion. I cant walk very far at all now, my hips and back hurt so much and I cant stand for any period of time now eiehter. My FM is just getting worse and it's upsetting me.

Could this sleeping thing be another thing to do with FM? Im thinking along the lines of CFS.

Any thoughts appreciated.

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soozy1984 profile image
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11 Replies
Amanda profile image

yes,cfs is one of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. I also have problems and I'm having sessions with a cognitive behavioral therapist at the moment to work on pacing.Another thing you could have checked is if you have sleep apnoea.if you do you will need a CPAP machine at night.

Ginsing profile image

I suffer with this but not every day it will suddenly pollaxe me and the day is wasted. It does seem to be a general problem that we all suffer from but a trip to your doctor might be advisable if in doubt check it out is a good rule of thumb. So why not go and have a chat see if they can help you. xgins

ehlers profile image

Yes this is Chronic fatigue syndrome , I too have been left frequently feeling frustrated and embarrassed , I went out for a cuppa with some good friends that I worked with for years as a staff nurse . During the cuppa , I was mid sentence , my words started to slur (fog) i thought, then they tell me my chin dropped my eyes closed and I was sound , they took cup out my hand and I was out for about 3mins . They initially laughed until they seen my embarrassment when I woke up. That happened to be about the tenth time that week and one of the reasons I had stopped going out with them on girls days out (withdrawing) . As nurses I explained I had been having episodes of fatigue and they then felt embarrassed for laughing at me , I explained this was why I had withdrawn and how it was part of my fibro. Since then I am glad to say I go out with the girls if my pain is controlled and frequently I have (wee power naps as they say) but this was difficult for me to accept and learning to live with CF is just something I have had to come to terms with. My doctor has been really supportive , I too have found pacing technique has help to reduce the episodes of fatigue , I was shown this through a pain management team and physiotherapy team. I also am awaiting a overnight sleep assessment for apnoea at my local hospital after my doctor referred me 3weeks ago. It would be worth going to you family doctor and discussing the problems you are experiencing or if you are under a consultant and have a upcoming appointment discussing with him/her. Good luck xxxxxhugsxxxxx

_Phoenix_ profile image

Do you have thyroid problems at all? This is the exact symptom both me (who has fibro), and my mum (who doesn't had fibro) had, just before being diagnosed with hypothryoid. It may worth getting checked out- as any new symptoms should be, and not just put down to fibro.

Or if you already are diagnosed hypothyroid, then you may need your thyroxine dosage reviewing.

Worth seeing your GP anyhow x

Amanda profile image

I also have Hypothyroidism as well as the sleep apnoea and Fibromyalgia so it seems that a lot of people have similar problems which overlap.

Goodienuff profile image

I have this too, but am wondering hoiw much of it is down to the cocktail of prescribed meds I have to take. (I have other health issues as well as fibro, and am taking some pretty heavy stuff)

Thank God the weekend's over - I have just booked myself in to see the doc this afternoon (I could maybe have got one this morning, but I am never fit to do anything until afternoon.

suffolklass profile image

I was like that, falling asleep at work and nodding off sometimes when driving back and forward! My work conditions were changed and I was physically unable to do it so I went down retirement on health grounds. A supervisor had also initiated inefficiency proceedings against me. I finally was given retirement a few months ago and now have the time to pace properly and have done ok (until I decorated the spare room, not rushing it, to move my son into it, so am almost back to the start again.) Stopping work was so good for me, not least a lot less stress.

Hope you can get some help.

soozy1984 profile image

Thank you all for the replies....

Have made an appointment to see my doctor today... they are at a bit of a loss at what to do with me just now as I am seeing the pain clinic and neurology every 4 months at the moment. The pain clinic just took me off dihydracodeine and put me on slow release tramadol... although I dont think my pregabalin is working as well as it should be just now.

I see a clinical psychologist every week for anxiety/depression and I am haing CBT which seems to be going quite well. obviously the process takes time.

gerry1 profile image

hi I feel as though I have a solution to your problem..........I found it for me, though its another drug to take i just don't care any more. I looked up on the net about falling asleep, I was doing it so much and it was starting to affect my mental health. It just sends me into an abyss of depression and guilt and missing out on the day. I have 4 older kids and 2 younger ones and a brilliant partner, but it started affecting everyone in the house.

I found the tablet MODAFINIL. It is a god send. I am in recovery from alcohol and drugs and know what speed is like, but this has absolutely none of that in it. It has no side affects for me and has given me a new lease of life. I still of course, have all the symptoms of fibro and spondulosos and if I am really suffering from the tiredness I can feel it through the tablet, but I don't go to sleep if I dont want to..

Thats the thing you can still get to sleep if you choose to. The drug is for narcolepcy and really hits the spot. Tell your doctor somebody recommended it to you thats all I said to my doc.

Good luck ladies and gentlemen who suffer from this awful sleep thing....

paddysmum profile image

I too fall asleep far too easily, but have been diagnosed with chronic sleep apnea and do use my CPAP nightly. My rheumatologist diagnosed fibro and prescribed amitryptiline then discharged me to get on with it. I do wonder if I also have CFS this sleepiness is so sudden, I can be doing something and all of a sudden this uncontrollable urge to sleep hits me, many a time I have left what I was doing just to sit for 10 mins, then wake up fully refreshed 4 hours later!! What do you think??

valann profile image

I to get this fatigue syndrome, at first I couldnt understand what was happening to me ? and then i found it was part of fibro !! When it comes on it can last sometimes for a few weeks , and then it just passes untill the next time ! not sure if its stress that brings it on or something else !!!! But it really gets me down when its there, Because I get so lathargic its hard to do anything !!! Has anyone out there got any answeres ????

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