Hello to all my fibro friend would like your advice. The week before xmass a new flair up started , so i let it take its course. Feeling unwell pain getting wores every day , dull pain shoulders and hips tingling shooting pain going down legs shoulders like wood . Went to docs increased muscle relaxing meds totally wiped me out got signed of from work to rest , having phiso on shoulders witch is helping and now a bit better, med been reduced don't feel spaced out . I have become very aware that my legs muscles r weaker can not stand up with out having to use all my energy it's happens a few times now phoned docs as I'm worried. he thinks it might improve with more rest , if same by end of week I'm to phone back. I know over the last months my muscle r getting weaker but I've never had a problem until now from seat in to standing I'm going in to my third year with fibro and wood like your advice as I feel that this is not going to go many thanks to u all angela
Advice on hip leg muscles weakness - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Advice on hip leg muscles weakness

Hi bourne
I am so sorry to read that you are experiencing this issue and I genuinely hope that you can find the answers that you so desperately desire and deserve. My legs only ever feel that weak after I have used my electric scooter too much and not exercised them, so I haven't really got any answers for you, sorry.
I want to wish you all the best of luck with this.
All my hopes and dreams for you
I am sorry you are going through this. I would suggest you ask for physio for your legs, I have been given several sets of movements to do whilst sitting just to strengthen muscles, and don't be afraid to try out different walking aids many people put this option off for far too long. I have to use a frame to get up find my balance then move. Ask for help, a flare up is awful to deal with, I hope you feel better soon. Lou xx
Thank u for your responce im going to to a phiso to day ill ask what I should do
Hi seen phiso have been given exercises and ill see what happens in the next two weeks thank u again for your help
Hi Bourne,
May I suggest that you contact your doctor as soon as possible and request a Lumbar Spine MRI, just to rule anything else out and for your peace of mind.
I had very similar symptoms and complained for many many months to my GP and any other health professionals who would listen but was told it was just part of my Fibro or could possibly linked to my diabetes. What they sometimes forget is that we've lived in our bodies for longer than they've known us.
Finally, after a visit to my GP, he noticed that I was walking differently and immediately referred me for a Lumbar Spine MRI. It turns out that I was right and there are significant issues affecing my L1 to L5 as well as my sacroiliac area.
So, don't delay, ask for an XRay, scan, anything that will help you get some peace of mind. You are not imagining it and it may not just be part of the other ongoing issues you're experiencing.
Wishing you all the best.
Hi Angela
Yes I can relate to how you feel!
I suffer from lupus as well as fibro( other thing too) but won't dwell on it!!! I had just about same experience as you where I was left with a great weakness in my legs, left the worst.
Are you using a walking stick or crutches? I was but as we get so much pain in wrists and shoulders I have now moved onto a 4 wheel rollator!! It's not for everyone I know but as I was having falls due to weakness I had to do something . I'm not out much but when I am
it is a fantastic help, in fact I use it indoors too.
As it has seat it means I can just rest immediately instead of struggling to next point which then causes more stress.
Maybe you should try one, even if it's only short term? If you need one you should contact your occupational therapist, I'm sure they will help.
Hope you get sorted soon
Sending hugs
Hi Angela, before Christmas I found that if I walked any distance my leg muscles became very painful, I struggled to climb stairs, found it hard to get off the toilet, had pain in my hips which woke me at night and twitching in my thigh muscles. This was when my GP diagnosed fibro as all blood tests were normal.
Anyone to get to the point of this message! It was to say that because of the Xmas break and havin plenty of food in I have found that it is rest which has helped significantly reduce these symptoms. I do think we need to listen to our bodies and give them a chance to recuperate.
All the best.
Hi, I'm suffering the same, agonising pain in my leg muscles and hip, im back at Dr tomorrow but I just can't walk more than ten steps anymore, I don't know what to do, it seems like I should be asking to see occupational therapist, I'm struggling on at work and all I can do is sit, my stress levels are high, I'm tired and really fed up. I look ok but feel dreadful inside. Your not alone and I know I'm not but its a very lonely place xx take care xx