Her driving instructer said that she is good enough to drive in a car without dual controls, so she has forced, I mean asked, me to add her onto my insurance. It has cost me,£413.50! Plus sleepless nights too! Anyways, I have taken her out twice so far, driving around empty car parks & quiet side roads, and have nearly gotten past the panicky screaming stage, nearly... I have warned her that if I have a fibro moment then SHE has to be as patient with ME as she keeps telling ME to be with HER!! Will let you know how we get on, Julie xxx
Look Out On The Roads - My Daughter i... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Look Out On The Roads - My Daughter is Learning to Drive!!!

Aaargh. And how vulnerable are badgers? We have no road sense you know
You're not coming my way are you?
I'll stay in my sett then
lol bless her, she sounds like she'l be ok, just keep her away from the woods, don't want bluebells run over have funxx
Hi Julie63
I sincerely hope that you are feeling as well as you possibly can be today? I think that is quite a good deal? I won't ask how old she is? As my wife will 'slap me one!' But my son in law, who is 27 paid nearly £1000 for his first insurance after passing his test.
He asked me why I thought it was so expensive and I told him it was because he was a total plonker!
I also want to wish her all the best of luck with her test.
Take care
Ken x
When I first wanted to learn to drive, my dad brought home some L-plates......the 2ft high ones (that also clearly state Driver Under Instruction) that he used at work for teaching people to drive buses!!!! I did laugh and slap him too! After 1 lesson (with proper L plates) I decided I wasn't ready to learn to drive just then, so I waited a few years and was much more prepared second time round.
Insurance for a newly pass is much higher than for a learner as they are on their own. Do pass plus as that gives you one years no claim bonus. think about restrictive driving, a 17 year old died as he was hurrying to get home before the curfew.
After having my father sit beside me when I was learning we let ours learn 100% with a professional. much less stressful.