HELP!! IM NEW: Hi everyone am new on... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

Fibromyalgia Action UK

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sonyam profile image
34 Replies

Hi everyone am new on here but have had fibro for almost 10 yrs now. It wasnt to painful (looking back now) compared to how iv been these last few years!! My knee pops out all time an knee swings out to the side and bends upwards which is very painfull and very hard to get ur brain to come to terms with as mentally you are telling urself to bend normal but the leg keeps goin upwards lol!! Anyhow at the minute im in chronic pain an i dont have the strength to get up these mornings.....i feel as though people think im lazy and im not i just fall asleep all time. i have even been chattin to friends an family on FB when i fall asleep sitting mid sentence (i can laugh at it now) but at the time i got so down.

Im actually very interested in chatting to all of you as i see some of you have memory loss....i have got into my car and drive down road an not have a clue where im going i have to take piece of paper and sellotape to the steering wheel where i am going, its really that bad but i didnt know it was related to my fibro.

Please everyone i wud luv to hear from all of you who cud help or support me in any way possible.

Hope my rant wasnt too bad lol xx

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sonyam profile image
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34 Replies
julieevh profile image

Welcome to the site Sonyam.

You have got disobedient knees haven't you? I can sympathise with the memory loss and sleepyness ..... I get both of those ... in fact I need an afternoon snooze right now lol

Julie xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to julieevh

Hiya Julie thanx for letting me join this page. lol yea my knees r well wonky lol. im glad to see that you have aftanoon naps too so do i when im at my worst pain when it eases i dont need my nap thru day.

Sonya xx

ladyyingtong profile image








sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to ladyyingtong

Hiya Ladyyingtong...thanx for chatting to me. lolol i know what you mean by riverdance my legs have a mind of their own lol it just seems to have a surge of energy ripple down your leg and the leg goes skew whiff lol. My pain wasnt so bad for bout 6 months but this lapse is the worst yet and like you said it has hit me like a tsunami. yea when my pains are at bay i have a big hit of energy i cud tear the house down and rebuild it but when im at worst the very thought of cleaning and ironing etc wud make me sleepy lol xx Thanx for taking the time to write to me and compareing our notes . Take care xx

Sonya xx

SootyB profile image

Welcome to the foggy-fibro club, Sonyam! It takes all of the strength I have not to have a snooze at work most days, and I have regularly driven past my turning because I've forgotten where I'm supposed to be going!

Sara xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to SootyB

Hiya SootyB...the sleepyness and the forgetfullness is terrible mines really bad at minute. i wish i cud work im also cripopled with osteo arthritis as well and me arms and legs bones are all twisting an thats painfull too. i use the wee postit stickers SootyB and stick them too my steering wheel and that way i know where i have to go! i also have to write down which road its on and how to get there!! I hope you havent missed your turning this morning lol and thanx for taking the time to message me SootyB xx Look forward to hearing from you soon xx

Sonya xx


Nice to meet you, fibro fog sucks forget what you were saying half way

Talking to people, and what's worse is what comes out of your mouth

Does not have any thing to do with the conversation and every one stops

Talking to look at you

Yes I some times have these energy spurts, not often, and then

Pay for it the next day.

You will find lots of very nice people on here and every one helps

Each other, I am so pleased I found this site it's helped me lots

I don't have the problem with falling asleep, as I never seem to be

Able to do this and get so very tired

Love Viv

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to

Hiya Viv...thanx for taking the time to message me thats very kind of you. Yes anyone i have spoke too has been very nice and very helpfull. My words sometimes come out as gobbldygook.....i think i try to say somethin and its a muddle of words that dont exist lol but most my family know that im trtying to say something so they dont laugh at me. One girl did try to make fun of me one night when i was out with friends one night she was with one of the other girls in our company but it was first time i met her and i was introduced to her an i said or tried to say hiya your looking great but it came out dina ur flookin my mates said nothin they just carried on regardless but she laughed and said shes pissed to which my friends said to her that i have fibro and sometimes my words r muddled she did apologise but i was hurt! needless to say she hasnt been with us since lol . i hope you are keeping ok now. i look forward to chatting soon xx

Sonya xx

sonyam profile image

Awwwwww thanx everyone for your kind words etc :) i feel at long last that other people r out there and are like me coz i normally get the look from people as if id 2 heads!!! i will b coming on here all time now as i feel a ton lighter having spoke to you all today xx

Many thanx to you all

sonya xx

Amanda profile image

yes this site is great! there are other people that (like me!) forget what things are called,speak unknowingly in a foreign language and look as if they are being attacked as they twitch,jump & jerk ! It's an invaluable source of information and support so don't be a stranger! xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to Amanda

Hiya Amanda I'v sent this same message to Viv but my hands are sore so i thot copy n paste wud do the trick lol xx thanx for taking the time to message me thats very kind of you. Yes anyone i have spoke too has been very nice and very helpfull. My words sometimes come out as gobbldygook.....i think i try to say somethin and its a muddle of words that dont exist lol but most my family know that im trtying to say something so they dont laugh at me. One girl did try to make fun of me one night when i was out with friends one night she was with one of the other girls in our company but it was first time i met her and i was introduced to her an i said or tried to say hiya your looking great but it came out dina ur flookin my mates said nothin they just carried on regardless but she laughed and said shes pissed to which my friends said to her that i have fibro and sometimes my words r muddled she did apologise but i was hurt! needless to say she hasnt been with us since lol . i hope you are keeping ok now. i look forward to chatting soon xx

Sonya xx

ArctoLindy profile image

Hi Sonya,

I only joined last night so I'm a newbie too :) Was just thinking I should write something to say hello properly. I had to replace my car recently and I now have a bright green one so I can find it easier when I forget where I park!

Belinda xx

SootyB profile image
SootyB in reply to ArctoLindy

A patient of mine said that her daughter has a novel way of finding her car - she ties a bright red thong to the aerial, and then she can spot it a mile off!

I'm giving it serious consideration! ;)

Sara xx

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to SootyB

LOL!! Certainly a unique idea!

I've found the lime green paint is mostly very successful, except when someone else who drives an identical car to mine, keeps parking next to me at the supermarket.

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to SootyB

lolol now theres a good idea!!! but imagine it wass while windy an they blew off lol xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to ArctoLindy

Hiya must have joined the same day as me. :) thats a good idea only i cudnt afford another car so my friends who went on holidays brought me back bright wee things to stick on top of the aerial on my car so when i come outside i look for bright wee pink thing in the air :) if i didnt have these things id be walkin round carpark all day lol xx Its nice to meet another newbie Belinda :) hope we stay in touch xx take good care and i hope you arent in too much pain xx

Sonya xx

ladymoth profile image

Hi Sonya - and Lindy,

I was going to say something to you both, but I'm darned if I can remember what it was.

Errrr .....


Oh yes .... WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

Love from Moffy

ArctoLindy profile image
ArctoLindy in reply to ladymoth

Thanks Moffy! :) xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to ladymoth

Hiya Moffy thanx for letting me join you xx

Sonya xx

Hello and welcome Sonyam to our lovely forum! You are most welcome here. Take a look around through the Questions, Blogs and Tags, there is so much information and also personal experiences to read. Any concerns or worries you have please feel free to contact us at any time, we are always happy to help. We are all in the same boat here so we all understand. :)

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to

Hiya Libertyz...thanx for letting me join your group i feel as if i do fit in somewhere at last coz we all have same problem and because of that i feel so much better xx Thanx a million xx

Sonya xx

FionaP profile image

Hi Sonya. Welcome. You will get all the support you need here and so much more information about fibro. Please join in on any blog or question and feel at home with so many who truly understand you. Fi xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to FionaP

Hiya Fiona ... thanx a million hunni xx

Sonya xx

helle profile image

hi all im very new to the internet and have a lot of fybro fog days, an just cant get me brain to function lol, oh well try and keep smiling through the pain and fog! and ill be trying to find my way around this helpfull site, and have some rants or rambles in my case lol! best wishes to you all helle xx

in reply to helle

Hello Helle, great to have you with us! We all get foggy days, we all understand, so please don't worry.

Take a look through our Questions, Blogs and Tags, you will find a lot of info, advice, support and friendship. If you have any worries or concerns, please let us know, we are only too happy to help where we can. We are all in the same boat and we are all here for you as we are for each other! Enjoy your time with us. :)

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to helle

Hiya Helle...i hope you arent in too much pain. I'm new too this site also so you are not alone. xx

Sonya xx

Dixiesdaughter profile image

Hi sonyam

Welcome to the site :-) rest assured you've found a place where people can empathise and sympathise with every thing your going through. We all have periods of intense pain the ability to fall asleep where we stand, periods of sleep deprivation, low moods, brain fog, jerky body movements, falls, trips, pj only days and days where we look and feel relatively normal and therfore are looked upon as malingers or hyprochondriacs.

This site is a little haven where we can escape from our pain & frustration and share life experiences, vent about the harsh realities & unfairness of living with fibro, share advice and tips on treatments and pain management techniques, learn about any advances in research and treatment, make friends, debate current issues, and just enjoy a bit of craic and banter.

I hope you find your time here productive supportive and fun :-)

Cheers Dixie xx

haribo36 profile image
haribo36 in reply to Dixiesdaughter

I love what you have wrote,its brought a smile to my face as its just descibed in a nutshell what fibro is with all its symptoms.Its so great to know that there are others going through the same thing and that we can understand and support each other,thank you x

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to haribo36

Hiya Jane .... awwwww thanx well plz keep in touch as its good to have friends who really understand what each other is going through and maybe offer help and support when its needed :) xx

Sonya xx

sonyam profile image
sonyam in reply to Dixiesdaughter

Hiya Dixie....thanx for your kind words....and yes i will be coming back but i might not get all your replies sent as some days my hand pains are so bad it takes couple days to ease xx

Sonya xx

haribo36 profile image

hi there,iam also new to the site as well having just joined myself.Iam looking for people to chat to with fibro so feel free to contact me x

sonyam profile image

hiya Jane iv just realised ur last comment was for Dixi lol sorry i thot you were speakin to me lol guess that was a foggy moment lol xx

yes plz keep in touch Jane xx

Sonya xx

haribo36 profile image

Hi there,how r u doin today?I woke up with alot of pain and could have done with staying in bed but had a docters appointment.Hope your not suffering,would be great to chat x

sonyam profile image

hiya jane i had to go to hosp this mornin to let the podiatry girl check my insoles. she said i didnt look too good and i burst out crying coz im in so much pain. she advised me to see my own doctor coz they actually thot i had developed ME or i was borderline ME last time . im nervous tho and i feel awful xx

i was in bed for 3 days jane i literally cudnt move it was worst attack iv ever had. i hope u get some ease, and yes definately i would love to chat so plz stay in touch. xx

sonya xx

p.s. keep your chin up jane i am only a wee message away hunni xx

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