Tuesday ............................... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Tuesday ......................................

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Tuesday, I don't think I like Tuesday's very much, many years ago I worked with two lovely ladies, sisters, Iris and Hazel, they were so alike they could have been twins - We used to call Tuesday a neither here nor there day - it was neither the beginning of the week, the middle nor the end of the week. So it has remained for me a sort of nothing day - unless it is raining , just like today - when it is a ruddy painful day. Moan, moan, grizzle grizzle. It may well have a Spanish sounding name and come here via Bermuda, but Fernando has brought with him pain, misery and above all gloom. All I really want to do is hide under the duvet, but honourable number two grandson has just been on the phone and begged me for a lift to his tennis lesson - how can I say no, I love him to bits and he brings a special kind of sunshine into my life, and he, like me, really doesn't like the cold and the rain, So I shall drag me bones (well padded with -more padding than is healthy) with extra layers of clothing too. I shall drive and collect my grandson, drop him off (his Dad will collect him later) and I shall come straight back home , put my pj's back on and crawl back under the duvet. Thank goodness for daytime TV.

I suppose we each get through our neither here nor there days the best we can. However, you are getting through yours, I hope you are snuggled, warm and cosy and nothing hurts too much.

fluffy hugs to one and all. D

1 Reply
TheAuthor profile image

Hi Doeidea

I genuinely hope that you had a wonderful time taking your grandson to tennis? I know I love my grand-kids to bits as well. They have a way of brightening up the most horrid of days? I had to go out today and I thought it was abysmal. It was so cold and windy and then the rain was horrendous! I wish I could have stayed at home.

Take care

Ken x

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