Hi All,
Looking to see if anyone has done this before
I got rewarded the high rate of pip on both components
I’m in the stages of requesting my ill health retirement and I seen on here that people that had been through the illhealth some had said to request the report from pip assessment if they get pip and send that off as evidence to my I’ll health pension scheme
I did this and got my report
On looking on my pip assessment report it said to be reviewed in 3 years
The reason being although my physical elements they don’t think will improve they felt my mental health would so there for a review in 3 years for my pip
I’ve just been diagnosed with ADHD which was emotional because now I know why I have struggled all my life so much
Do you think I should send this new information to pip now I have had a diagnosis
It’s only with the assessor saying on my report to be reviewed in 3 years because she thought my mental health could improve
I’d be greatful to hear if anyone else as done this my pip claim is up 2026
I’m 55 and thinking with this new diagnosis would I have to get reveiwed every 3 years
When it’s clearly stated on the assessment
Physically she can’t see my chronic pain getting any better
Mentally she could improve there for assess
In 3 years time
sorry hope this makes sense what I’ve wrote x