i broke my neck in a car crash and was awarded middle care and higher mobility on indefinate yet they still took it from me 2 years later. ive got worse since and am appealing again. is there anything that could help me with this.
ive got my appeal on tuesday, - Fibromyalgia Acti...
ive got my appeal on tuesday,

I think the CAB is always a good place to go to for help, also this is a link for you for the benefits and work site which I know has been useful to some people.
I hope it helps and that you win your appeal, do let us know
Foggy x
Thanks for the info. Also just found out im havibg another operation on my neck to have 2 rods put in to stabalize it. Will let you know how things go. Cheers
Oh my goodness, how horrid for you, another op, I hope it goes well, when is it being done, do you know yet? I hope you have a good GP and that you have managed to keep all correspondence
about your previous appeal and award. Your medical record will obviously document how things have deteriorated for you, so it might be an idea to ask your GP to have copies, it may cost some money, but it may make all the difference to the decision at your appeal, eeek that only gives you Monday to see if that can be done, do try though if you possibly can, as I think it will make a considerable difference. You may already have done all this, but I will be crossing my fingers for you on Tuesday.
Foggy x
Hope the operation is getting done in 10 weeks. Then its a 12 month rehab just to see if its helped at all. Still wont be able to work which makes me depressed as iv always worked from the day I left school. Yet the government think there is nowt wrong with me and im fit to work. All the hastle takes its toll on mind making me depressed a fair bit.
Lets see what happens tuesday, never know I could be arrested for sticking a crutch up someones back side. Thanks x
I hope all goes well for you. Only talk about your bad days.
Hello Johntitley, Good luck with your operation hope it goes well for you and not to painful! What Offcut said to you is correct when they ask you questions about how you feel, Always talk about the bad times meaning how your feeling now and not about any good days you may have at the time as this will go against you. Good luck. Aisha....x
Yes I agree about just stating what you are like at your very worse.The cab helped me to go from low rate to high rate,they actually filled the form out for me.Good luck with your op and appeal x
Hi, take someone with you! The stress could make you foggy and miss something. They could also fill any gaps. Take notes to refer to during the meeting - if they fuss, tell them FM can do this when you're stressed. Just key points, dates of things for past year and coming up too.
Good luck, soft hugs
Good luck with your op, my oh broke 3 vertebrae when he was younger but so far has been lucky pain wise its not bothered him, I think its discracfull the way they give you benefit one week and take it away the next, I was awarded for life but have found out I've to have a review in 2015 just cos they changed it all around to this new pip thing. Anyway good luck again all the best. Sithy
Thank you all for helping. Means a lot to actualy have people on my side for a change. X.
Will let you all know how things go
Hi all, just updating you on the appeal. Had to wait ages as they where late. I sat down ready for a huge battle to be shot down with an instant turn around with higher rate mobility and lower care. Woo woo. That as a complete turn around. Just shows that independant docs and judges do have hearts.
thanks for all the help